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Disability Pension Help?



Just wondering if anyone has recently applied for the disability pension lately (in Australia) and whether the stories about their doctors being arseholes when they check you over are true, can anyone let me know about their experiences with the doctors and the Centrelink review panel?



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Hi Tom yeh im on it(dsp :applause: but was on it before they changed everything luckily , i know youve got a bad back i remember you mentioning it before , yeh same here . I got to say the thing with a bad back as you know you have your good days and bad days where you mightnt be able to get up of the floor . When it comes to dealing with these fucks and your having a good day , make sure you look like your having the worse day of your life . Your doctors already written whats wrong with you etc yep no worries but then youll have to see some fukwit in centrelink that wouldnt know a bad back if he was hit in the face with one . Walk in with a walking stick get on the piss take some pills slurr your speach this is the kinda shit im talking about when they ask you a question you say "what was that" etc my hearings fucked or" i dont remember what did you just say" the pain killers im on a re fucking my head up ". Well this is basically what i presented to them and whilst most of it on a bad day was or is how it is , it needs to smack them in the face to the point where they just go "man you poor cunt" , and when you stumble up of your chair and prop yourself up on your walking stick due to the sciatica in your leg that makes it hard to walk , you walk right back out of there not missing a shuffle on your walking stick and smiling just enough for the ladies at the counter with a friendly nod of the head goodbye , dont miss a beat .
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I got to say the thing with a bad back as you know you have your good days and bad days
Standing in their lines and having to sit on their poorly designed chairs as I've been doing a lot of recently will turn any good day into a bad one.


when they ask you a question you say "what was that" etc my hearings fucked
I have industrial deafness too which means I'm always asking them to repeat things for me for me anyway. :toke: I also have a couple of other things listed as "permanent" on the current med cert as well


i dont remember what did you just say" the pain killers im on a re fucking my head up ".
They do (Tramadol), that's why I use mj, shit hope they don't want piss or blood, shouldn't for this though.


due to the sciatica in your leg that makes it hard to walk
I have that in my right leg pretty bad (just had cortisone and a nerve sleeve injected in a couple of months back) and it has invaded the left leg as well now from when I was working, my doc wants me to have surgery and I don't. It causes me to keep changing position in the chair and I need to stand up every now and then, my main reason for wanting to get on the DSP is for the re-training and such available, I actually do like having a job and it beats the crap out of trying to exist on the dole.



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the centre link medical certificates are the best u dont have to see anyone only hand the certificate in once every 3 months but the down side is centre link can reject the certificate at any time :peace: i got 2 or 3 of these forms nothing happen to me its also good if centre link sends u to a job network member u show them the doc's certificate and ur right to go lol :peace: fuck i bet someone from centre link is reading all this haha :peace:
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I know a bloke who had his bowel removed, and carries his turd in a bag with him. He's massively unfit, sick from a variety of things and 60 years old. They won't grant DSP.


I've got three discs blown, but with all the technology available today, half the doctors claim nothings wrong with me, while the other half are amazed I can walk.


I'm sure I'd be rejected, except for the massive list of medication I use.


Be sure before you see the doctor from the gov, you're on as much morphone or similar, anti-depressants, sedatives etc etc... use your imagination.


You don't have to take this stuff, just as long as the doctor is prescribing it.


Every review I have to go through (5 yearly for me, because I was approved in the 90s or late 80s or something).


I can't stress the medication angle enough. Tell the GP you see you want to kill yourself as a re-action to your disabilty. You're life's been so restricted you can't find it worthwhile to continue bla bla bla. You can't sleep, get as many valium/sedatives as you can, the stronger the better, and as many as possible. Get NSAIs; get it all, and list it all.


I actually have tried to rejoin the work force, and couldn't get approved to be listed with a job searching company, or any other assistance, because the list of medication I take caused the doctor supposedly clearing me for work stateing I was fit for any work I felt capable of so long as it didn't ivolve "handling money, driving (including to or from work), operating machinery, power tools, time-tables or general concentration duties and the list went on and on and on..." This is all to do not with my back, but the meds prescibed. Truth is I am still stuck on the morphine, but am taking less than ever, and I take nothing else. But I get a prescription for it all from time to time, and if/when a review comes along, I make sure I'm getting it all reguarly.


I don't know what's wrong with you, but if it's physical, make sure you get reffered to a shrink, get him to certify you're clinically depressed as a re-action to the pain/limitations you have.


I don't see it as cheating, if you genuinely are disabled. I worked for years and years with a bad back but no certification to prove it. every doctor I saw told me if I didn't take it easy I'd end up in a wheel chair. I have no high education, so I had to stick with manual work. It was a catch 22. To save my back I had to stop working, but to stop working I had to first destroy my back. I was working at the heaviest hardest work in my life, my GP telling me if I didn't stop I'd regret it. I went down one day, and my life's never been worth a cracker sionce. I can't even pick up my little children, go fishing or do anything that a normal person should take for granted. Do what it takes Tom.


I can hardly move for pain, but that won't get me a pension. The medication I use does the job. That plus the gov. doctor that examined me was in Byron Bay hospital and he was avery nice bloke, very much in tune with his surroundings. A gov. doc I once visited in Kingaroy was a tyrant.


PM me Tom, I'll compare notes with you.


cheers, good luck if it's not gone through yet already.



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Yeah i hear everything your saying Tom, and i think its degrading that we should have to face up to these pencil pushing nobodies , telling them all our problems to get there approval i mean its embarrassing and with me it was the last fucking resort , i mean i used to lay bricks for a livin and since i did my back ive done everything from running pizzas to traffic control which wasnt to bad exept standing in the one spot for hours on end and no they dont always let ya have a chair , was fuckin murder on my sciatica . The whole thing has fucked my life up and then i have to go down to fucking centre link as the complete last resort and tell some sorry prick whats wrong with me , i sware if they didnt get me on that dsp i wouldve gone back down there with a bat . All i can say is overgrow dude , the dsp is better than the rest because you dont have to go in there so regularly but thats it , it aint living its survival . Grow more weed dude do what ya have to ,its ashame your having to do this now and not before they changed the laws , good luck with it all :peace:
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:) Hi there [Tom] im on [DPS] have been on it from 1999, i just get a form every 2 to 3 yrs for my doctor to fill out and im sweet ,centrelink dont fuck with me cause i gotta take morphine for my 24/7 pain ,my doc got a stuffed back so he knows what its like in real bad pain ,stick with it crew fuck centre link they suck ,in the same baot as you [Tom] [Naturalmystic] i got 4 horazontal disc protuions, and glaucoma, going blind , best of luck :) ;) ;) :)
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