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hey fellas, i planted a a seed about 3 months ago. around just late of summer and its not very high at all lots of leaves but very short with these white hairs coming out of the top. not many tho its outdoor and its hella cold outside so i cut a 2L coke bottle in half an popped it over the plant at night :peace: water every 2-3 days.



Anyways the real question is i wanna start growing hydro. Dont smoke alot just would like a cheap hps kit. It needs to be from seed all the way to harvest. maybe just 1 or 2 plants. And i dont have mad money for a huge kit ethier. What do you reckon? i heard a 200watt HPS system would be okay? wont be using hydro nutes or anything like that just SOIL + POT + HANDWATER , under hps light.


IF i was too buy a hps kit how much would it be for like a 200watter ??

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your probbably don't want to here this but I wouldn't waste your money on a hydro kit. I've worked with a lot of growers over the years and what I have learned is this. When you grow your money is best spent in light at the start. Hydro is very complex for a amature(not amature pot smoker but amature grower). A really good setup to start would be this. A 4'x4' closet with one 400watt HPS bulb. use 5 gallon pots with Promix HP soil. This way you do not have to worry about PH. grow about five plants. remember the more plants you grow the faster the harvest not the more bud.. bud is dependent on light you could have 1 plant you could have 300 plants with 400watts you will get about 4-8 ounces every 2 months or so. use a wet dry watering style and all and all if you do a good job you will yield about 75% of a hydro table. downside with hydro and I see this all the time is there are too many intermittant problems for the amature. also if you don't smoke more then an ounce a week it's not really worth it.(cost vs yield) . P.S. growing is much more complex then this setup. you will requer to control the temp smell and it is a good idea to seal all outside light sources off from the room your growing. it will help come flowering.


Buy a book on it. you will feel much better about the subject and be able to make an informed decision. P.S. hydro is very expensive to maintan. stick with soil

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You always have to worry about pH, even in soil.


If you get a new HPS kit you'll be under warranty (ask about that) and you'll be protected. If you go to cashies you'll get at most a 3 month one, (if that) and it will likely be inferior equipment.


Hydro is simple, it just takes time to acclimatise to the idea of total environmental control. Soil growing indoors is often beset by many of the problems of hydroponics, and usually involves more pests.


Hydroponics isn't that expensive to maintain, it just depends on how complex you want it to be.

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