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Mal Brough says cannabis causes pedophile rings

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now they are saying that the kids should be removed permanantly. Is this gonna be another stolen generation?

Another "stolen generation" ????

Nah, I don't think the pollies will go so far as to make the same mistake again.. to "steal" them from their drunken tribes again would be political suicide.

The do-gooders of this world would cruicify them.

The simple solution to the problem is to put it in the too hard basket and turn a blind eye to the helpless infants having their little vaginas or arseholes ripped apart....it's been going on for thousands of years, who are we to break their traditions and who's gunna hear their screams in Canberra anyway?


Let it be, life goes on...after all, this is their country.

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Wow, what a confronting thread..


Was reading it and mulling over the thoughts shared so far. Leaning toward the idea that equality must be the answer.

Meaning if the rest of aussie can have beer, petrol and sniffer dogs, then so should the aboriginal communities.

If the rest of aussie can have their children made ward of the state and given into foster care once the parents are deemed unfit (grog/ drugs/ violence) - then so should the aboriginals.


Then Buddy chimed in his thoughts.

Now it might be true what was said about the thousands of years. Ok. But in all those years up to about 150 ago, there was no grog. A very limited range of plants that could have been used for mind altering as well.


In that small amount of time alot has happened on this island yep. Every aboriginal today has changed from their ancestors, just as much as 'all' the migrants have. The migrants blended their cultures some, formed a country and governed it. The aboriginals yielded and adapted to what was left for them.

Now days they have the same rights as the migrant's ancestors, under the laws created by the government.

They have some vast amounts of land covered by native title, which they fought for. So no more yielding.

But they are still adapting.


They need good information, presented to them by people they can trust, otherwize they wont hear it.

If the grog is a health issue, then the aboriginal elders must sort it - not Mal Brough ffs!!

Same for drugs and petrol sniffing. The elders have access to the law and should have full support of it. So if they decide to out any drugs from their communities, they can, and can also have help from the gov.


We should yield somewhat, to help them whenever they ask for help. Some are still adapting to the change.


But to address the paedophile link to cannabis. Well Buddy was right, it did happen in aboriginal cultures for thousands of years. Exactly the same thing happened in most migrant cultures and in australian culture. Aussies don't accept it here now and neither do aboriginals. But it still sickenly happens, everywhere.

Even in the mainstream churches that taught some aussies their morals!


Cannabis can in no way be blamed, linked to, ilked or tarnished by that filthy fucken word... paedophile.

It's not cannabis related, nor race specific.


The petrol sniffing is tough. Would have to listen to the elders on that first. But there is a fuel available which has no sniff high to it. The gov balked at the cost of it I heard.

That may or may not be the answer.


Boredom could be an issue which faces everyone on this rock yep. Some of us have different opportunities. Some of us have the legacy of heritage, inheritance of skill, knowledge and assets. Equality is therefore not quite here yet. Tho we all have the same gov and laws to 'protect' us.


And so, Mal needs to pull his head in and listen to the aboriginal elders. If they want change, they should be welcomed to ask for and receive it. Same goes for privacy!

Drawing aboriginals into the war on drugs is a low tactic. It just might be a positive if their voices are heard though. Especially if they say cannabis helps them!


BTW Mal - Cannabis can be used to heal alcoholism!


:applause: As bunjil steps off his rock

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they wont steal the children, they'll do it legally on the basis the parents were drinking or on drugs constantly :applause: it wont matter wether or not they supply a great environment to raise their kids in, if they are on drugs or drinking booze all the time, they'll simply send docs in :peace:


while i have to admit that alot of the aboriginal communities are going down the drain due to alot of drug related problems, removing the children wont accomplish anything other than making the parents turn to their drug dependence even more :toke:


Mal Brough was on the news tonight with his alarming aboriginal news for the day and the alarming news is that its not only females getting targeted, its also males of all ages :toke: now while that may seem shocking to some people, all you have to remember is that priests have done the same thing to children, especially boys, for hundreds of years and only in recent times have they been caught lol would they consider blaming the wine the priest had to drink on a regular basis made them do it? i think not and the same should apply to the criminals that do the same to children in the community....you cant blame a drug for a person's actions because those actions were going to happen regardless, the drugs just bring out the inner person :yahoo:

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It is probably true that parents who are constantly stoned or drunk aren't very good parents. And aside from parenting, anyone who spends all of their time stoned or drunk isn't going to lead a very meaningful life. But not everyone is created equal, and most times when you aim for the puritan ideal you cause more harm than good.


IMO the most practical approach to these types of communities would be to make weed available super cheap or free and alcohol super expensive. Its not the ideal solution, and a lot of people willl spend their lives as doped out zombies, but is that so bad? There would be less violence, less crime and the community is pacified with a relatively harmless habit. Makes sense to me, but we all know it will never happen.

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It is probably true that parents who are constantly stoned or drunk aren't very good parents. And aside from parenting, anyone who spends all of their time stoned or drunk isn't going to lead a very meaningful life. But not everyone is created equal, and most times when you aim for the puritan ideal you cause more harm than good.


i have known a heap of parents that were continually pissed and stoned and while some of them were dicks about things and preferred spending time with their habbit than their children, the vast majority of them only took their drugs after the kids were in bed asleep or when it wouldnt interfere with their child in any way....whats really sad is that those same people supply a much better environment to their kids than what i was raised in, but because of their drug use, if docs found out, they wouldnt see their kids again :applause:


the same probably applies in those aboriginal communities and by the sounds of things, they are trying to take another generation away using drugs and alcohol and their excuse :toke:

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It only won't happen if you say it won't.


The country is already overgrown, the problem is we're all pussies who won't stand up for what we believe in.


The solution to these problems are long, complex and varied. But the truth is that there is no "cultural" excuse for rape/paedophilia/violence. It's all just bullshit used to excuse disgraceful behaviour we would never tolerate in our own communities.

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It only won't happen if you say it won't.


It won't happen if I say it will either.


Reality is we are further away from cannabis law reform than we have ever been. We are a minority, and a powerless one at that. And besides, if I wanted to spend my time fighting for a cause I'd devote it to something more important than the right to smoke pot.

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