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I have never flushed my Coco which I use straight from the shophave used for the past 3 yrs and about 20 grow or so. I have never seen or heard of people flushing coco prior to use (if that what you mean).


imo thats where the problem lays :peace: you have to flush the brown shit out of the coco before use, i usually put like 50L through a 10L pot, wait a couple of hours for it to settle and do it over again 2 or 3 times....the amount of brown shit that comes off the coco is amazing :peace:


also a flush every 2-3 weeks is required to prevent any pH hot spots from building up + salt levels can become a major problem if the coco isnt flushed :peace:

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wantda ....imo thats where the problem lays you have to flush the brown shit out of the coco before use, i usually put like 50L through a 10L pot, wait a couple of hours for it to settle and do it over again 2 or 3 times....the amount of brown shit that comes off the coco is amazing


If you think so wantda ..... .... ..... .... Why don't there any info on the bags ?


It works for me not to wash (flush) . . . . . . . . . & when It works I stick to it. I have grown many rounds in un flushed Coco Chior. Like I said - it works for me.


To add to the fact it is not the unflushed Coco is that only one of 8 or more if I include clones is perfectly OK. also the point I have made about the past grows. How do you explain that ? :peace:


Any way I have decided to swithch my room over to flower (12/12) in 14 or so days. This will be as soon as I have the clones of the affected BG rooted (taken today).


The affected BG has been trimmed back hard leaving sufficient foliage to survive. It was looking very sick this afternoon when I took cuts from it. The top grow tips were pailed heaps - as if leaching, or insufficient nutes. After I took cuttings I fed with EC 2.0 & PH @ 6.2. Well see how the cuttings go and the mum recovers. :peace:

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Cool mate, sounds like you can easy eliminate possibilities I raised :peace:


With coco, I flush it just because I picture where it gets processed is prolly someplace on 3rd world beaches. Not sure why I picture it that way. But figure it might have salts or salt pockets.

Sure does leach a lot of orange stuff.


Anyrate best with it nitram, you're the man for the job! :peace:

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