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I am not hapoy with the condition of this female BG (Xpat seeds).


It's 8 weeks old, in Coco (added hydrotron for draiage) & feed Coco nutes @ EC = >1.8 (18). I have taken clones and would like to flower but I like them to be settled into a nice confort zone before I do.


The plant has been fed the same nutrients and the same schedual as other plants which don't display similar signs. so it puzzling me a bit :P



post-5398-1147760581_thumb.jpg post-5398-1147760762_thumb.jpg



W h a t ' s u p ! :nea:

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from what i read, your ec is spot on and so are the nutes, but whats the pH of the water when feeding? also, when was the last time the pot was flushed out?


if the pH is around 6-6.2, thats pretty spot on for coco and if you have flushed the pot every few weeks, then the only thing that sticks out in my mind is that because its a different strain to your other plants, it might need different conditions :P


other than that, im fucked for ideas so it'll probably be good to wait for a few more replies :nea:

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If im not happy with a plant while still in veg I cut it back hard. All fan leaves gone. All tips fimed. Then flush it.


It will come back bigger & better than ever. The powerhouse of the plant (roots) now don’t have to support as much folage and while the growth is initially stunted from a hard pruning the roots keep developing at the same rate as they already where. Each of the tips you fim will come out with 4 or more new shoots and it will be a huge bush.


To max yield I fim each of those new shoots one more before flowering. Excellent results with scrog.

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hey Nitram, have you fixed this problem yet?


to me it looks like you could probably up the ec a little.. I work in PPM and have that around 1600-1800.. I think the ec would be about 2.2

to me they look like they are lacking something... but ive never seen leaves lookin like that, and you say the others are fine???.. the issue could be with in the soil maybe? or really could just be exactly what WDC said... might just need slightly different conditions...

strange, I would probably flush and up the ec that little bit...

I cant see any tell tale signs of any certain diffeincy, maybe Nitrogen... considering the yellow bits on the edges of the leaves, it just looks like it needs more....

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wantdachronic, MaC, everest, two2time & SukonmiSkunk for your replies.


wantda ... if the pH is around 6-6.2, thats pretty spot on for coco


I thought it could be a PH problem but now other plants are showing signs - although most are other strains or other phenos. So it is my first point to chenck and double check. It may be that this particular plant dosn't want to play by the rules.... & may like a little lower PH or for that matter a lower EC.



wanyda .....ive never seen leaves lookin like that, and you say the others are fine???..

Yep, all rocketing along. That throws me off a bit..... :peace:



everest ..if youv'e already cloned her , i'd flush it out then give her a tonic , perhaps superthrive ....


give her 3 days then flower .... to me they look like they are lacking something...


Could be an option - can be taken into consideration - likely hood is low for a number of reasons :-


(1) it is one of the 3 female BG's and happens to be the one which showed

the strongest Indica pheo typoogy


(2) My room is in 18/6 and want it to stay or a little longeer (6 - 8 weeeks)


Thanks Mac & tt - yep its my camera dates. :toke:



It's possibly special treatment for 1 plant - shits me having a odd bitch out :peace:


May be she could jus join ther otdoor flowering plants :peace: I'll check :peace: :peace: :toke:

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Hey nitram mate.

Are all the plants in the same brand and batch of coco? Did it have a slightly less coco flush to begin with than the others?

Um, how would she go with a flush and some light foliar feeding?

The media not infested with bugs?


Good growing to ya :peace:

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mulla ....Are all the plants in the same brand and batch of coco?


Yep - never had a bad lot of Coco. I buy the Coco chior fiber in 25 Lt bags. I never have attributed any of my past problems to the medium. Coco is unreal. :peace:


mulla .... Did it have a slightly less coco flush to begin with than the others


I have never flushed my Coco which I use straight from the shophave used for the past 3 yrs and about 20 grow or so. I have never seen or heard of people flushing coco prior to use (if that what you mean).


Um, how would she go with a flush and some light foliar feeding?


I think I will take a few clones from her. I have messed up with cloning and didn't lable them. So to be sure I can just take clones and then put here outdoors to flower after a recivery period (7 days). I'll see how she runs :peace:


I've labled her since germing from a Xpat seed . BG#1 had 3 fingered leaves untill the 5 node - looked real promisimg for a while. started life as a Indica dom then went really Satvia like. Any way more on the topic of Xpat BG & M60 seeds will follow fairly soon.



mulla ...The media not infested with bugs?
:peace: :peace:

Thanks for the input mulla.

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