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National drug plan

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A meeting of Australia's top policy-making body on drugs today will discuss the creation of three national strategies to tackle alcohol abuse, and substance abuse, including cannabis and petrol sniffing.


The Ministerial Council on Drug Strategy is holding its annual conference in Perth.


The council comprises the federal, state and territory health ministers, and justice and police ministers.


The ABC has been told the conference is likely to endorse a national strategy on cannabis use, covering prevention, treatment, and law enforcement.


However it is understood the national plan does not seek to over-ride state laws on cannabis.


The state and federal ministers will also discuss a national alcohol strategy, tackling problems such as binge drinking, and a national inhalant strategy addressing issues such as petrol sniffing.


Cannabis is one of the most widely used illicit drugs and concerns that it may trigger psychotic illness and schizophrenia prompted the council to develop a national cannabis strategy.


There has been extensive government and community consultation in Australia on the creation of a national cannabis strategy since 2004.


Author:Gavin Rainsford

Date:Monday, May 15, 2006.


Copyright:© 2006 ABC



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There has been extensive government and community consultation in Australia on the creation of a national cannabis strategy since 2004.
Fuck, they didn't ask me.
Cannabis is one of the most widely used illicit drugs and concerns that it may trigger psychotic illness and schizophrenia prompted the council to develop a national cannabis strategy.
They've got "concerns" that it "may", whereas they know that tobacco and alcohol are devastating.
The state and federal ministers will also discuss a national alcohol strategy, tackling problems such as binge drinking, and a national inhalant strategy addressing issues such as petrol sniffing.
I wonder if they'll be discussing why cannabis users get one treatment, alcohol users another? I'd like to confirm their worst fears about me becoming a homicidal maniac – on them. Bloody bigots. :P


You can see who the fascist culprits are here. A collection of stinking rats if I've ever seen one.

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A meeting of Australia's top policy-making body on drugs today will discuss the creation of three national strategies to tackle alcohol abuse, and substance abuse, including cannabis and petrol sniffing.
Funny they haven't included tobacco actually, wonder who got bought out? :P



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...they'll be focusing on cannabis...
Even if you assume the very worst about cannabis is true (which I don't think it is) it still isn't as bad as tobacco or alcohol or even motor racing. Where's the council to stop boxers from getting brain damage? It doesn't make sense. It's a witch hunt.


The number of regular user in Australia: 300,000.

The number of occasional users: 1.8 million.

The number of prison places: 25,000.

Seeing the look on their faces when they realise they can't fit us all in: priceless.

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