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Went shopping today and got talking to the Hydro guy. I asked him about Bonza Bud which is a hormone to make plants stockier. I think you only use that during the flowering period. I didn't want to buy it becuase I didn't want him to know my plants are close to flowering. I told him I'm growing Chillis and I don't think Chillis would be at a flower stage so soon.


So instead I walked out the door with some Nitrozym. He gave me free of charge a 250ml bottle. I don't have the original bottle to read. He told me to use this during veg. Can I use it during flowering?.

Edited by New Holland
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I was given a bottle the other week from a friend whos hyro shop closed down and I treated 2 White Rhino girls with it and the branching has been excellent , all laterals and new shoots have really took of bigtime , Ive had this strain for a long time and the improved growth pattern was easily seen , I have no doubts it works and will use it from here on in , its a very good product , between Nitrozyme and THCs recommendation Rhitzotonic these girls have exploded with roots and shoot growth like never before !


Only use in veg stage like Free said , next time I use will be folier as it gunked up in the tank and pumps .


Use instructions




Test results of Nitrozyme


Ottawa Research Station of Agriculture , Canada (J.A. Simmonds & M.


1. Nitrozyme increases the rate of germination, growth, and flowering of Impatiens

2. Nitrozyme can shorten by four days the time required to grow impatiens seedlings for bedding


3. Nitrozyme treated plants had 50% more leaves than their untreated counterparts, and these

leaves were one-third larger on the plants receiving Nitrozyme.

Their conclusions:

44% improvement in germination rate

57% more leaves

34% larger leaves

5 days earlier flowering

6% reduction in operation time


University of Alberta, Edmonton - Department of Genetics (Dr January Weijer)

1. Wheat -

Different wheat varieties were selected and the average yield increase was 15.6% in

1985 and 18.7% in 1986.

2. Barley - Trials with different barley varieties gave an average yield increase of 14% in 1985

and 19.3% in 1986.

3. Oats -

Field trials with Nitrozyme gave an increase of 15.2% in 1985 and 25.2% in 1986.

4. Canola - Average yield increases of 17.1% in 1985 and 32.4% in 1986 were recorded with the

Tobin and Westar varieties.

5. Alfalfa - Yield increases of 9.5% in 1985 and 26% in 1986 were recorded. The use of

Nitrozyme an alfalfa crops indicates a significant feed quality improvement.

6. Corn -

Nitrozyme treated corn plots yielded 24.4% more than the controls, while Nitrozyme,

when combined with fertiliser, increased yields 30.2%.

Extensive Canadian Field Trials 1985 - 1990

1. Wheat - Different varieties of wheat were selected and the increase of plot and field trials were

4% and 24% over the control.

2. Barley -

Plot and field trials with different barley varieties gave an increase of 8% to 24% over

the control.

3. Canola - Yield increases of 30.8% to 32.3% were recorded.

4. Corn -

Treated plots increased yields by 3.3% to 39.2% over the control.

5. Potatoes - Yield increase of 123% to 24% were recorded with a variety of potatoes.

Cucumber Seed Germination Test

Root Length after 6 days

Treated Show:

37% more root length

50% more feeder roots

67% more stem length


Treated stems were noticeably thicker

Treated showed almost no fungus - untreated showed fungus

Treated plants took much longer to dry up after removed from moisture



Test Results - Percentage of increase from research data


Increase over Control

1. Bartlett Pears

Weight 35%, Diam. 17%

Pressure Test 15%

2. Corell Peaches

Wt. 14%, Diam 12%

Pressure Test 63%

3. Carrots

Wt. 68% Wdth 11%, Appear. 36%

Core 57%, 10%, Colour 8%, Uniformity 9%

4. Onions

Wt. 12%, Colour 46%, Firmness 18%, Diam 17%

Uniformity 11%

5. Cabbage

Wt 38%, Circumf. 25% Uniformity 6%

6. Celery


Wt. 42%, Circumf. 9%, Length 6%


Wt. 37%, Circumf. 7%, Length 15%

7. Tomatoes

Wt. 110%, Diam. 35%

Flowering or Blossoms 177%

8. Red Beets

Wt. 43%, Diam. 44%, Leaf Length 17%

9. Lettuce

Wt. 44%, Circumf. 32%, Uniformity 17%

10. Corn

Wt. 27%

11. Potatoes

Wt. 17%


SOURCES - Research Conducted by Independent Researchers

across Canada

Professor Dr. Ian MacQuarrie

University of Prince Edward Island

Professor Emeritus Dr January Weijer

University of Alberta

Ellen Laan - Ontario Researcher

Holland Marsh area and Muck Research

Station area

Dept. Of Agriculture - West Prince Regional


Prince Edward Island

Integrated Crop Management Service

Research done in Alberta, Saskatchewan,


under direction of Robert Geier and Brent

Wright, Msc

Terra Consulting Inc.

Dale Doram P Ag Saskatoon, Saskatchewan





Edited by Roadblock
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