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ive got a hermie

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ok my good plant i have 2 is a hermie i cant have this at all but i also cant afford to kill it others a crap plant to much stress from past drama now i know there is a chemical that i can use im a week and half into flowering almost but my real question is can i sit there in the grow room and pick off the balls if i get everyone of them it will not have seeds and will still turn out good right also whats the chemical name and would it work 2 plant recirculating clayyballs /rockwool cubes 14 gall res nutrenents cant remember all pourpose flowering one indica one sativa
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as far as i know yes you can pick off all the balls, but you have to be very spot on & make sure you get them all, cos even one can start the damage.


If you're only 1 1/2 weeks into flower are you sure its not just a male? Do you have any pics so we can see at all too?


good luck with it either way B)

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id hafta agree with stoney

i got 2 hermies both ak 48 and they only hermied at about day 45 of a 56-63 day flower cycle..

what percentage is showing the male balls compared to the female pistle

u may just have a boy

photos are good very discriptive

take care


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I got hermies in my garden. I killed most of the balls with BudWise Blast (aerosol spray). It's important to follow the directions exactly as it says on the can. They dropped off, and the ones that didn't i picked off manually. I must of missed some cos i lost about half my crop to seed but i'll be making hash out of it. If it happens again i'll be pulling the fukrs out. Good luck mate Edited by BentBuddha
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