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Control centre to tackle cannabis

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Control centre to tackle cannabis



A NATIONAL Cannabis Control Centre will be established under a new $20 million Federal Government plan to tackle Australia's growing cannabis menace.




Federal Treasurer Peter Costello will unveil measures to combat cannabis use in Tuesday's Budget after a new report revealed about 300,000 Australians use it each day.


The centre will train specialists in how to educate young people against the dangers of cannabis abuse. It will be used to establish a national database on the problem.


Sources said the centre's activities would be backed up by counsellors who will be assigned to university campuses where they will try to warn students off the drug.


The focus on cannabis marks a shift in the Howard Government's so-called "tough on drugs" strategy which has concentrated mainly on hard drugs, such as heroin and amphetamines.


There is a growing awareness that cannabis can contribute to mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia.


The Australian National Council on Drugs has released a booklet aimed at educating the 1.8 million Australians who used cannabis in the past year.


The council said 5.5 million people had tried the drug, while 295,200 were using it daily. Those between 20 and 29 were the heaviest users while males are more likely than women to use cannabis.



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There is a growing awareness that cannabis can contribute to mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia.


The Australian National Council on Drugs has released a booklet aimed at educating the 1.8 million Australians who used cannabis in the past year.


The council said 5.5 million people had tried the drug, while 295,200 were using it daily. Those between 20 and 29 were the heaviest users while males are more likely than women to use cannabis.


ok so 1/3 of australia's population has tried marijuana, 10% of australians used it in the past year and 300,000 odd people use it daily...how can they justicify spending 20 million tax payer dollars on a program that is designed to prevent people smoking marijuana on the basis it will mentally fuck them up? i dont see 300,000 people on the news daily marching down the streets in a schizophrenic trip from smoking themselves retarded or anything like that :thumbsup:

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There is a growing awareness that cannabis can contribute to mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia.



"can contribute" - How? Maybe it can contribute positive relief from the symptoms, if used alone as a medication.


Police in para military gear and an aussie gov ramping up their war on cannabis, CAN CONTRIBUTE to schizophrenia!

Lies on tv, who do you believe, which voice? Sounds confusing enough to CONTRIBUTE to MOST existing mental disorders by adding fear and anxiety where it is NOT NECESSARY.


Isn't 300,000 the magic number of people needed to pass a bill thro government? Is it the bully whom is now afraid?.. perhaps afraid of hearing voices... 300 thousand prohibited daily cannabis users voices. :thumbsup:

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Credit where credit is due. At least they call it cannabis “ABUSE” now, and not cannabis use.

at least they got one thing right,


I just wish they published the comparison alcohol statistics in the articles as well,


show people where the real problems are :peace:


for example:


Cannabis induced schizophrenia for the year 3%


Alcohol induced deaths and or mental illness 25%



:thumbsup: yep they got their priorities right.

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funny how they pick on cannabis use when there is so many other nicely taxable drugs out there doing more harm.

tabacco causes cancer for which there is not a good chance or cure but the goverment gets money from t so thats ok!!!

alcohole causes liver damage and mental illness but once again the goverment makes money off it so its ok!!!!

mental illness is just the govermants way of scaring people into not smoking weed cause they know they make no money out of it and never will same with all types of drugs

i should invite little jonny around for a coffee and some cookies and a debate in regards to cannabis legalization :thumbsup:

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tabacco causes cancer for which there is not a good chance of a cure


didn't you hear that pure THC was found to inhibit cancer growth in mice? B)



"$21.6 million will be spent on highlighting the link between illicit drugs and mental illness"


So if you USE illicit drugs, you will have a growing paranoia of a government conspiring against you - how ironic - and thus be mistaken for having a mental illness. :P


Let's face it, there is not one bit of substantial evidence on the 'mental illness/pot' thing, how can they justify spending 20 mill on chasing a fucking chimera?!! B)



*has another billy*


"Can somebody PLEASE fix up this problem for me...?" :sly:

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We may not have $20million, but we do have over 300,000 voices to promote responsible cannabis use and encourage people to seek out the TRUTH, rather than listen to the ramblings of politicians who have (probably?) never even tried the drug.


The people who blindly lap up Costello's $20million worth of propaganda should be advised to not expose their fragile minds to ANY sort of mind altering substance.



Smoke On friends and tell your non-smoking friends just how good it really is!

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Yeah wantda, I have to laugh when the govt warns people of the dangers of alcohol and tobacco but seem to think that legal choice is still appropriate for them but not others. Like those Panadol ads that smugly state: "Panadol: it's my choice". Well lucky you! Lucky you're not the victim of Australia's number one witch-hunt like cannabis is.


They'll not be starting this database from scratch I'll bet. There would be years worth of data on us already to enter. You’ll have to be extra remorseful if you get busted for weed next time because if you do and tell the truth along the lines of: "I will never give it up" you will be entered into the "hard-core" category and scheduled for final-solution processing. These days they don’t have to resort to messy techniques like Zyklon-B gas chambers. If you can’t be scared away from using cannabis in their "treatment" (or reprogramming) centers using the notion that it turns you into a schizophrenic murderer and child-rapist (as in the much media-publicised cases of Phillip Parkes and Timothy Kosowicz) they can use convenient medications such as Haldol and Thorazine, neuroleptics which give you a chemical frontal lobotomy. This will once and for all rid Australia of the dreaded daily cannabis users – the ones the oppressors fear most because we’ve realised how to use our brains at their full potential and that it's safe to do so every day.


post-6986-1147499236_thumb.jpg Your brain is mine now sucker. (Photo: © brain mart.com)


Thorazine is still legal to, and is, prescribed by Australian doctors under the name of Largactil. These are the same sorts of people as "Doctor Lyneen" who said on Ten news last week that "thousands are about to die" from the violent psychological state induced by marijuana. Of course Thorazine is used to treat paranoid schizophrenia so, it's the perfect fit for the "schizophrenia-producing" cannabis.

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