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Watering and Nute times for Coco

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At the moment I'm giving them one litre/plant. I get run of at about 1 1/2 litres. I'm using cogr A+B Vega nutes, I'm following the directions on the bottle to reach an EC of 1.5 (What ever that means?). I'm about to step it up to 2 EC. As Nitram pointed out, if I don't give them full mix I wont reach the required ph of 5.8.


I really dont know how often to water. There seems to be a mixed camp. Some say water until the pots are full (i.e you get run off) and wait until it drys out and water again. I'm currently doing that. It takes about 5 days for the coir to start drying out. Or the other side of the camp say instead of watering 1 litre every 5 days, water 200ml daily. Some even water hourly. I don't know which way to go. I'm only watering to the max because I've used expanded clay balls at the bottom so I know I have good drainage, so in a way I can't over water. Plus I'm a lazy bastard!. Also If I go into a shed on a daily basis all of a sudden may raise some unwanted attention from the neighbours?.


Should have my proper grow room up and running this weekend. At the moment I only have 1 600watt HPS about 150cm above them, the aim is to just keep them alive 'till the grow room is ready. But they're still growing at an amazing rate!. I can't wait to see how fast they grow with 3 x 600's. (50watts/ft2)

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EC = electrical conductivity. The amount of ionised salts and nutrients in a solution can be measured by it's ability to conduct electricity. This is why rain water has a 0.0 EC level, as it has no dissolved solids in it. Tap water is usually around 0.6 to 0.8 EC. Mary Jane, as an adult, generally likes 1.8 EC.

Your pH does relate to EC, but is still quite a different story. pH is the amount hydrogen ions in your solution, which governs how acid or alkaline the solution is.


Look, one of the main aspects of hydroponics is to have 100% control of the environment the plants are growing in. You can not have control by just reading the back of a bottle. EC and pH are very important. If one of them go out of their desired range and you don't have the equipment necessary to check them, than you will not be able to tell what is wrong until the plants are visibly unwell. I highly suggest that you purchase a EC meter, a pH pen or a pH colour test kit, a bottle of pH down and a bottle of pH up.

Edited by Billi-Boy
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