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Men jailed over fatal shooting

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THREE Melbourne men have been jailed over the fatal shooting of a man as they tried to steal his cannabis crop.


Robert D'Amico, 28, was shot at his home at Tullamarine, north of Melbourne, on September 2, 2003.


The Victorian Supreme Court was today told Craig Galas, 33, formerly of Keilor Park, Steven Mikhael, 24, and Ismail Muhaidat, 25, both formerly of Broadmeadows, planned to steal a cannabis crop and cash from Mr D'Amico's home.


Galas accidentally discharged a handgun while he was tying Mr D'Amico's arms behind his back in the loungeroom of the home, the court was told.


The group fled empty handed as Mr D'Amico lay dying from a bullet wound.


Supreme Court Justice Bernard Teague sentenced Galas to 21 years and seven months' jail with a minimum 16 years, after he was convicted of murder, aggravated burglary and attempted armed robbery.


Justice Teague said Galas was trying to do too much when the gun accidentally fired, and none of the men intended to kill Mr D'Amico.


Muhaidat was sentenced nine years' jail, with a minimum term of five years, after he was found guilty of manslaughter, aggravated burglary and attempted armed robbery.


Mikhael was given nine years' jail, with a minimum term of six, on the same charges.


Justice Teague said the jury's finding of manslaughter showed they were not satisfied that either Muhaidat or Mikhael knew that the gun was loaded.


Author:The Daily Telegraph

Date:May 01, 2006

Source:The Daily Telegraph

Copyright:2005 Nationwide News


Just think how many of their own crops they could have grown in the years they are going to spend inside. :applause:



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this is fucking discusting.. at least they go to jail for a little while.... this is why MJ should be legal...its easier to rip some one of than do over a jewlery store and for that judge to lay down such a light sentence just goes to show how fucked this country really is...

I was busted about 6 years ago.... just for growing... not doing a fuckin home invasion, not hurting anyone.... the judge was going to sentence me to the maximum 10 years jail... thank god I had a good lawyer and only copped a 3 and half year suspended sentence..... but these guys killed some one in a home invasion, while they were committing ARMED ROBBERY and 2 of them will be out in 5 years....


this goes to show... that growing isnt worth the risk... youll make better money stealing and killing for the pot... and get of lighter..... fucking rediculas...

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I reckon they got what they deserved.


Maybe the other two should of got lesser sentences because although they were there I don't think they would of wanted to kill the guy but the other guy was just careless.


There is probably alot of background to it though, maybe the guy who got killed owed them money or something who knows


My 2 cents.

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