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Cannabis raffled at $10 a ticket

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It was just another quickfire raffle at work – but the prize wasn't the usual meatpack or frozen chook.


Instead, the winner would take home an ounce of sticky marijuana heads.


And ticket seller Timothy Andrew Murphy's number was up when someone called the police.


In the New Plymouth District Court yesterday, an embarrassed but smiling Murphy (25), of New Plymouth, admitted he was busted selling raffle tickets at his work on April 7.


Judge Louis Bidois asked Murphy if he had lost his job as a result.


Murphy confirmed he had, but said in his defence: "It's been done before."


Judge Bidois said the scheme was doomed to fail, because when Murphy asked people to buy tickets, those who disagreed with drugs were sure to call police.


Police arrived to find Murphy had a book with 40 tickets that he was selling at $10 each – along with the cannabis prize in his pocket.


"That's what happens when you take cannabis. It muddles people's brains," the judge said.


"It just proves the stupidity of those who take drugs."


Murphy, now unemployed, was sentenced to 140 hours' community work for possession of cannabis and offering to sell cannabis, a Class C controlled drug.



Date: FRIDAY , 28 APRIL 2006

Source: Fairfax New Zealand Limited

Copyright: © Fairfax New Zealand Limited 2006



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LMAO...heres NZ's answer to marc emery........poor young Murphy (murphys law applies here) should

get a pat on the back and be promoted for his enterprising ideas


Whereas the judge should be dismissed for his ignorance and sent on his way with a nice acid trip :thumbdown:




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That's what happens when you take cannabis. It muddles people's brains," the judge said.


"It just proves the stupidity of those who take drugs."


And judges are known for being fuckwits without brains of their own.

What a fuckwit.



As for that other wank, what a stupid thing to do.

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…"That's what happens when you take cannabis. It muddles people's brains,"…
One incident of poor judgment doesn't mean one is a poor judge or that marijuana is responsible for this ill judgment. This statement just shows how deep the bias is of supporters and enforcers of prohibition. It is a perfect Freudian example how many people can't resist to conduct their lives based on such prejudice and malevolence. He'll claim that marijuana smokers are addicted and I'll claim that he is addicted: to bigotry. :applause: Fuckwit.
…those who disagreed with drugs were sure to call police.
Why do people "who disagree with drugs", whatever that non-sensical phrase means, believe that they can force their opinion on to users? It really makes me want to put them in jail, these evil thwarters of something which is good for and beneficial to the productivity of humans.
…"It just proves the stupidity of those who take drugs."…
It just proves the stupidity of trying to stop a raffle that many would have chosen to participate in. Only a minority choose to be spoil-sports and the judge is one of them. :thumbdown:
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Who calls the cops on people that "don't agree with drugs" ( maybe they have quiet arguements when no-one's around?); are self righteous people. Not neccissarily concerned for anyone's health, morals, the condition of society or any of the reasons they muddle through. Simply put, they feel above us, and what point is there to being superior to everyone, if no-one knows about it?


So call the cops, give ya name, and pat yourself on the back amongst the pats you get from other self righteous prats who you tell all about what you did over a beer after work.


To those I've been amongst while argueing this point ( a TAFE course they put cops through prior to becoming cops)l I asked what their concern was. OH...it's all concern for the condition these poor drug takers end up in... But when I ask when the last time was it then they contributed their floor space to a homeless junkie, or joined a group and spent their nights helping to feed and warm same, or even donated a coin to the likes of those that do these things, not person out of 50 or more could say they had done so just once.


So if their concern is for the final condition of the worse scenario, just what evidence is there to show this, compared to the efforts they were taking to become cops, so hey could arrest these people, who they all agreed unanimously when the drug topic arose (any drug) agreed "our problem " is we're all devoid of morals to be found using any kind of drug at all.


In spite of this , the same people from the course sat at the same chairs at the same pub come friday arv.


It's pure self righteousness, nothing else.

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