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Mom faces felony for pot presence in newborn

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A felony child abuse charge has been filed against the 26-year-old mother of a baby who tested positive for cannabis after its birth at Medcenter One April 15.


Vanessa Laducer, of Bismarck, has been charged with child abuse for willfully inflicting injury on her minor child by using marijuana while she was pregnant, a Class B felony, said Julie Lawyer, a Burleigh County assistant state's attorney. Lawyer said the child tested positive for marijuana at birth.


At a recent bond hearing, South Central District Judge Bruce Romanick set Laducer's bond at $1,500 cash or surety. A bond condition imposed allows Laducer to have supervised visits with her baby, Lawyer said.


Lawyer said Burleigh County Social Services is involved in the case. She said that at a future preliminary hearing not yet scheduled, information would probably come out about the child's condition. But she said she couldn't talk about that now, or about who is caring for the child.


Bismarck Police Lt. Dan Donlin said in a past interview that Burleigh County Social Services contacted police after a doctor at Medcenter One filled out a 990 form, which is a report of suspected child abuse.


The police report stated that a doctor tested the baby for cannabis after seeing symptoms of drugs in the baby's system. Lawyer said Tuesday that she couldn't give information at this time about what those symptoms were.



Date:Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Source:Bismarck Tribune

Copyright:Bismarck Tribune



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;) That's pretty harsh man! I mean, she could've been doing a lot worse than MJ for a start and I can't see MJ having a profound affect on the baby at birth either. For the most part, from personal experience and the experience of other MJ smoking mums, 'pot babies' are often born heavier and healthier than the medical profession would have you beleive. Studies have also shown that they generally score pretty high in the 'apgar test' which is performed straight after the childs birth. My son scored above average and was born weighing 9 pound 6 ounce, if it wasn't for MJ I could've lost him from the chronic all day sickness I had. Hospitalised 3 times from exhaustion, dehydration and constant vomiting. Hell, most women stack the weight on, I was opposite! I lost soooo much weight in the first 4 months it was terrible. So the choice was an injection in my bum every single morning or the occassional cone to keep it all down. Guess what I chose....... :applause:
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thats such bullshit, how dare they take her child away because she had a bit of a toke, i bet the doctor doing the test was probably high on self perscribed meds at the time anyway :applause:


and what kind of "signs" was the baby showing? did it come out with a huge grin on its face, red eyes, craving a tit and trying to get back into its mother because it wants to get more high?


in all seriousness, the only reason the baby got high was because it was inside the mother. i bet now that she has given birth, the child wouldnt have been around the drug at all unless breast milk counts in which case, what a lucky bastard ;)

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Humans are subjected to thousands of chemicals and substances every day; most are harmless, others harmful to a more or lesser extent. Marijuana is in the non-toxic, safe category I reckon. It’s only these stuffed up prohibitionist fear mongers who think that marijuana is “impure”. The occasional cone should be fine.


To add insult to injury it would be the case I bet, that tobacco and alcohol traces in the baby are not a felony. Yet, these two drugs would be the most harmful of the recreational substances to growing babies or fetuses and tobacco should be taken in no amount while, there’s debate about the effects of mild drinking. Certainly heavy drinking is harmful to your baby. What do they have on pot? Is it going to give your baby schizophrenia? (He ;) I can't wait 'till the bubble bursts on that lie, by the way.) There'd be more danger from the additives in a hotdog wiener for your unborn child than a marijuana cigarette, is my guess. :applause: (Don't quote me on that.)

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