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Node spacing

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holy crap, looking good for 2 weeks old.... whats the light hours?

a 24/0 light time will keep the nodes closer together....

I float between 18/6 22/2 light hours, yeah I know call me old fashioned..... but it controls the spacing a little better, its really a personal chioce, I wouldnt use 24/0 ever... but really its upto you. If your worried decrease your light hours to 22/2 or 20/4.. this will stretch them out a little more.....

usually when the plant flowers it strecthes out giving the plant plenty of space to flower..... I really dont think its an issue, mate they look fantasic.

a half strength nute would in order very soon I would say....

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i too was worried about this

but all u have 2 do is just wait and it will even itself out a bit in flower

also tying like Pure and WDC are saying is always going to be benefitial...


take care

love those healthy suckers u keep pumping out..

peace out


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Hey , thanks everyone for your answers, and Skunk i use 21 on 3 off have since they were little girls fresh out of the ground dont plan on changing it ,but ive never had a plant with node spacing so close its new for me ive had them with good spacing not streched you know but these are tight, i think its the new soil mix buddy gave me the recipe.
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