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what the fuck do i do

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If they are just bent and not split just tie up the plant so that it can heal that part.

If on the other hand you have split the stalks then you should put a bandaid around that part of the stalk and then tie/stalk the plant up.


If the split is bad, then its likely you may loose the plant, so take clones from it.

If the split is bad you could put a few drops of a plain candle on it.


I would veg it for sure, until it starts growing again. then flowert them.


And BASH that cunt that stole your gear.

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well if youre going to veg them a bit, most prbably just cutting the shit off would be the best thing.... as long as its not the split isnt at the pot level....if they are just kinked then they will be fine.... pretty resiliant shit this MJ is... it will grow back no doubt....


oh and in the words of the great ferengi


BASH THAT CUNT......and his fuckin mates.....

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i had never heard the egg one b4 thanks but im not a very voilent person i was trained in taekwondo to well for that he will get whats comming to him but i also dont want to send in a team of armed people into his house to fuck him up a fuck a little bit fuck him up a lot its just not my style ill shot him with the blowdart gun dipped in something that will make him swell up for a week or to cause him some pain but not kill him and anyways im mor eof the mental warfare guy you can break a mans arms as many times as you want you can only break there sprit once my friends only once so amke sure you do a good job
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Whats going on peoples so many plants being stolen, soon weel have to cement pots to the ground and use a bike lock to keep plants in our house.



I feel for you mate they would have had a rough time, rizotonic, bug spray and general love will bring them back.



Cut that fker off and his mates.

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