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Hemp pet food hits the market

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A Tasmanian company has obtained the first state or territory licence to use hemp in a pet food product.


Hemp is banned in food for human consumption in Australia, unlike most other western countries.


Industrial hemp contains very low levels of psychotropic chemicals and is used in products like paper and clothing.


Business owner Ian Rochfort says he has been fighting bureaucracy for years for the right to harvest hemp, which will be used in the company's dog biscuits.


"This has taken our company probably about seven years to come to this stage, whereby we've manufactured this product and we've now - for the first time - got it into the market place," he said.


Tasmania's Hemp Co-op says it is outrageous that industrial hemp can be harvested for use in food for pets, but not humans.


Brandt Teale from the Co-op says the restrictions on hemp seeds are more severe than those for poppy seeds.


"Because it's hemp seed, we can't even tell you where it's held, we can't tell you where it's processed, we can't tell you where it's turned into dog food," he said.


"It would be illegal for us to do that and that's a really strange part of the law."


The dog biscuits are not for human consumption.

Author: ABC?

Date: 12/04/06

Source: ABC Online

Copyright: © 2006 ABC

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Yeh il be feeding my dogs on it thats for sure although it will probably cost more , cannabis seeds having the richest source of omega 3 should be fed to humans for better nutrition and health , it shows how bent things are when there trying to make out there looking out for our health . Cannabis seed is part of that whole concept yeh pot can save the world , the nutritional value would go along way to boosting the health of the starving multitudes around the world .
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well, with the risk of sounding like a weirdo...



when i was living in new caledonia me and my cousin use to get put outside (in the cold) when we did something bad...one night at the dinner table we were muckin around and we got kicked out...still hungry we were munching on dog biscuits...when i come back to Australia, sure enough i tried more dog biscuits...and i tell ya what...they full of fibre and vitamin...and now...hemp! =)


i'm definantly buyin me a bag of hemp biccys :peace:

Edited by rehanaownsu
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They should buy the rights to call them "scooby snacks"!!! hahahaha imagine your dog after a few hahahah i would buy them and feed them to the damn yappy dog next door........... and when he gets used to them dump a bit of rat poison on them {ahhhhh damn thinking out loud again} hahahahaha

Anyways thats damn funny


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