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Growing in Coco

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what bunnings is that

the only thing they have that ive seen

is manutec

i havent seen any coco specific nutes at bunnings

ive been to about 5 around here

and even a few interstate a while ago

id love to get it at bunnings

saves crabbing myself out at h/ shop...


take care

peace out


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sorry someone, your right no coco nute just the normal nute my mistake but most of cannas nutes are there look in Hydro section,additives and the coco nute you will need to shop at hydro shop or call canna there good at letting you know where you local seller is located..


Last sunday i was down there looking for coco they hadnt heard of it yet the sell coco bricks. mmm


Very strange maby only bunnings here sells it being that canna is a local brand, they do other brands also at both of my locals dutch something. try the big ones or do a ring around they know nothing but should be able to tell you if canna is sold or noy. Watch the PK though its got the old lable making it well over 5 years old. I got my Vega and flours there only months ago.

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yeah i got a heap of bunnings vouchers and rang around

south east qld asking if they where willing to do a special order with canna for me??

the where not willing..

but offered me there coco in the big 60 ltre block

that would of been 18 mths ago

ill make a call again

it would be tops i reckon

take care


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the PH from my tap is around 7 im only feeding this mum half strength 1 part probably the cheapest and shittest nutrient on the market haha i dont buff my PH i dont have any spots from fluctuating PH and locking out micro and macro nutrients shes in a coco/perlite 50/50 mix gets watered once every 4 days if shes lucky i once watered 3 days apart she looked a tad sick to her normal perkyness last time i gave her a water she went for 6-7 days without a watering :applause: Coco Mother Plant

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ok then must only be bunnings over here, Not in your state bunnings wasnt interested in my request for coco either.


Not to worry im sure Hydro aqua pet, or cannas recomendation can sort you out. Going to the shop is the cheepest, fastest and safest option though.


Have your girl pick it up or just walk in buy walk out no chit chat.


That coco bunnings is selling isnt really suitable full of slowrelease fert, alot larger coco particals and is dry probally not flushed, for consistant results use only canna coco or B cuzz both the same price and as good.


The coco will need to be picked up or delivered to safe location as it will cost you a arm and 2 legs to have it posted.


Gazza what nute are you useing ? the beauty of the canna nutes is that they ajust to a near perfect PH if starting from 7 like my RO water.

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I have been growing in coco for some years. If you can afford it the prepared stuff is really convenient. I use a mixture of 2 parts coco to 1 part perlite and 1 part vermiculite. I add dolomite to the finished mix (about a handful per pot). I never have any problems with magnesium or calcuim deficiencies.

This mix has worked well for me however I see that nobody else seems to be using vermiculite. I grow in 200mm (8") pots and I find they do not dry out as quickly under the lights in a cupboard with vermiculite in the mix. I do have problems with fungus gnats and perhaps the extra moisture in the mix is the source of the problem. To fight the bastards I am considering adding diatomaceous earth to the mix. Does anyone know where you can buy Diatomite in Sydney?

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Heya mate, using cheap coco is a pain in the arse. It's not buffered, not cleaned properly and you'll spend all day and break ya back flushing it. Get the nutrifield bricks, they aussie made, ph buffered and once it,s hydrated you can bung it straight in the pot.. About $3 for a block that makes 9 litres, so why skimp?

This is the cheapest way to buy quality coco, even cheaper than 50L bags :) .

Use good quality nutes Made for coco, like canna. Nf. Or H&G.

I cant tell ya how many grows Ive seen turn shit from using this crap brunnings coco. It's fine for mixing into soil for outdoor grows but not as a stand alone medium.

As for the pest control, Ive tried most. Mite rid works on mites and fungas gnats in two applications. I dose my coco once every two weeks and spray em once a week.

Bugs go bub bye.. lol. Coco is awesome, but ya gotta start em off well..... in good coco.....


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Heya Cyclone =) , most coco is good as long as it's got a RHP stamp on it, it's theRHP dutch standard of quality for substrates(mediums). This coco is Pre-buffered and of top quality , with both good water holding ability and around 30% air porsity. I could use any brand bearing that stamp and be guarenteed decent results from it.

If ya wanted the Nf blocks, maybe a trip to another store, or even ask ya local to order em in for ya, should be able to get em in.

I think with ya cheaper coco's the air/water ratio is off due to the poor quality of the coco, so this never helps the plants the whole grow, not to mention if not flushed super well, it can be a nightmare to get PH etc in the sweet spot constantly.

lol, enough waffle from me.... too stoned... Peace. gh72

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