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how much pot do you get for $20

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Standards 1.2 to 1.5 for 20 dpending on how well you know the person , its changed alot over the last 10 years , hydro when it first came about was pricey now that its everywhere its brought the price of dope down in general . 15 years ago i new people whod sell a teaspoon full of good hydro for 25 $ not that id buy that but it was selling like hot cakes . Theres lots of dudes selling 0.7 for$ 20 still . What you pay all depends on who you know dosnet matter where you are , mates are hardly gona sell you 1.2 there more like to give you 1.5 to 2 gms for 20 etc .Your always better of buying quarters, ozs, pounds etc .
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i buy in ounces and normally pay around $350 for high quality buds.

Trust me you all need more disciple, save your $ and buy in bigger amounts you wont look back.

I remember the days of doin a deal every other day, kids nowadays :D


I have been growing so long now I would have no idea how much you get for $20,but $350 an oz,bloody hell

1.2 grams for $25 ,sounds like the market has changed abit :scratchin:

Edited by nirvana
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