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Is this Nute burn or lack of water?

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what medium are you using?

do you hand water or have an automated system?

what strain/s are you growing?

is it only effecting a single plant or all of them?

do you have a decent air flow?


could be anything really, like my merville blueberry grows like that regardless of the conditions they are in so it could even be just the strain....but answer those questions and you'll get a much more informed reply :rolleyes:

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Hi Wantdachronic,


Thanks for your help. To answer your questions:-


I'm using Amgrow potting mix. I've been told that in using it I could be giving myself a ph problem. I don't have ph meter, So I kinda borrowed :rolleyes: a soil ph test kit from dads shed. The type where you add the liqued to the soil and check the colour against a chart. I intend to transplant to a better soil mix soon. I'm just REALLLY tight on cash.


I hand water. They get about 100-130 ml every 2nd day, then every 3rd day.


The strain I'm growing are White Widow (Black Pots), Northen LightsxBigbud (Green Pots) and Hollands Hope/Purple Power (terracotta Pots).


I only noticed it slightly on 2 of them yesterday afternoon. I was going to nute them then when I watered them. I didn't give them any nutes just incase the problem was nuute burn. I had them in a wardrobe under fluros and they just weren't growing at all. So I started nuteing every second watering at 1/2 strength. I havn't added any nutes for the last 2 weeks just water.


Air flow atm is just my fart fan in my bathroom. I have the plants in the Bath tub with a 600watt HPS over them. It's just a stop gap measure atm to keep them going untill my grow room is ready.


Some are growing real well. Others have pale leafs, some still arn't growing.


Here's the first pic of the curled up leaves that are now slightly crispy on the ends


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i remember your grow now :whistle: anyways imo the problem is more than likely a combination of having used water that wasnt properly pH tested, but imo the major factor to your problem is using pots that are far too small for those plants :rolleyes: my plants have done the same to me in the past merely because they are rootbound so i highly suggest a transplant asap :peace:
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NH ....This one has pale leaves and looks a little sad. Cheer up little plant! I'm doing my best!


Your doing ok and I am sure it you best :whistle:


Upward curling leaf tips could be light too close and/or over feeding.


Downturning leaf (the droops) tips - dry thirsty


Keep'em green NH :rolleyes:

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Stop talking rubbish NH ! theres never been a failure on OS and you WILL pull it off..... ok :whistle:


one point maybe worth considering is to mix some medium like perlite with your potting mix

this helps keep air pockets in the root zone and prevents the soil packing down too much

of course this is best done prior to planting / transplanting


best of luck with em :rolleyes:

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