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Help get these over the line !

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Hi peole !


This concerns my outdoor grow Here - thai satvia



some leaf shots 1) top side post-5398-1143856514_thumb.jpg 2) bottom side post-5398-1143856594_thumb.jpg



Whole plant shot .post-5398-1143856721_thumb.jpg



......................It's easy to see it lacking Nitrgen :rolleyes:


What I am after is a means of dilivering a quick hit of Nitrogen ? Your suggestions would be welcome.


The plants are entering week 4 of 15 (guess) flower. I have not watered/feed for a week. were in for 2 days of sunshine before a week of shitty weather again. I know at this stage of the grow cycle the plant switches from N to needing more P & K. I have a recomended nute called

"Add Bud" which I am adding at a dose of 2ml per Lt along with my "dynamic lifter"


I would like to se if anyone has a nice "quick fix" for this backyard grower !

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Flush the pot , and then give it a normal nutrient feed , if your using cannabis based nutes they generally don't lack what you need , your mediums ph is possibly out the flush with adjusted water will fix that , and then the nutrients will give here a boost


personaly thats what I would do before adding more nutrients , particularly if it was fine all the way up untill now

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A good hit of fish based food would help it, I had a similar problem with my current AK in flower, but a feed of Dynamic Lifter Fish Ferterliser helped it get over it, Charlie Carp is another one, both are organic so you'd be hard to burn em so give em full strength, but as Pure also said a flush first may help, it's not root bound is it?
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I wouldnt normally suggest to repot a flowering plant but that pot does look a little small for that plant.... usually when the botoom leaves start to die off its a nitrogen dificiency.... a repotting in some good dirt will fix that....

have you grown in this pot the whole time?


Plants use a Massive amount of nitrogen to grow, I would say its sucked that pot dry..... they still need good levels for flowering....


or do as pure has suggested, flush the pot and give it a good dose of hydro nutes....


if its only at the 4th week and has another 10 or more to go I would try and find a bigger pot ......

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Hi nitram, your leaves look tobe being sucked dry, do what pure said a flush til drippinf from pot, next morning mix up a nute mix ph ajusted and feed plants also if weather permits a gentle foliar spray mainly on affedted areas but a little on top.


Within day she will kick back into gear if not there are other issues maby undersized pot but i grow cuts in beer cups for 6 weeks if unused they will aventually yellow from bottom and feeding does nothing to correct yellowing leaves. A root inspection could tell you more if there brown and dry around adges pot was small and dried out to much.



Nutes first :rolleyes: and let us know how you go

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Pure ...Flush the pot , and then give it a normal nutrient feed , if your using cannabis based nutes they generally don't lack what you need , your mediums ph is possibly out the flush with adjusted water will fix that , and then the nutrients will give here a boost


personaly thats what I would do before adding more nutrients , particularly if it was fine all the way up untill now


thc24 ........ Hi nitram, your leaves look tobe being sucked dry, [ :rolleyes: - totally agree] do what pure said a flush til drippinf from pot, next morning mix up a nute mix ph ajusted and feed plants also if weather permits a gentle foliar spray mainly on affedted areas but a little on top


Thanks thc & pure. I think I'll take on board the flush since I started last week. I have been letting them drink rain water. It must be as good as a flush :peace: A decent feed next.


This is where I was hopen some wone would come up with a "Nitrosprine" It would just fizzle up and fix my plant(s).


Flush,& Feed PH adjusted nutes :peace: . I think this path has been underway for a week now. So It's time to feed. I have a fresh batch made up today and standing by for the sun to come out full blast tomorrow. That's what is predicted for tommorow after one of our coldest nights this year tonight :whistle:


I have nute called "Add Bud" which I am adding along with my "dynamic lifter" (PH adusted to 6.2) so It's going to be in the next days that I will feed. More than likely Sunday nd one plant at a time to check my 'fix'. I beleve that people would perhaps say "your medium is self-regulating for PH so I should not have to flush. But 5mths is a long time.


SukonmiSkunk ...... have you grown in this pot the whole time? .....

5 mths - feeding all along.


Plants use a Massive amount of nitrogen to grow, I would say its sucked that pot dry..... they still need good levels for flowering.. .if its only at the 4th week and has another 10 or more to go I would try and find a bigger pot .......


Yep - some 5 mths in some shitty cheap compost. They don't mind being hugry druring veg but when it comes to flower it's a differnt story. They have been N deficient for a while now. I overcompensated and need to compensate for the overcompensatiion. :wacko: ............... As this is the result of overfeeding previously, then stopping all feeding a wek ago. One tthing I have leant is that I don't need to jump in early in Ocober but can wait till December (8 weeks later) to germ. I have 4 clones taken 2 mths ago and are startiing to bud up & no signs of lacking N . . :peace:


I don't think replacing the medium at this stage is good. Yes, the leaves are becomming to be the reserve it's dipping into as it not making it to where its needed. . . . . and the leaves are the energy for the buds. Soz with 10 weeks to go I would like to keep them as green as possible.


thc .....Within day she will kick back into gear if not there are other issues maby undersized pot but i grow cuts in beer cups for 6 weeks if unused they will aventually yellow from bottom and feeding does nothing to correct yellowing leaves.


Yep but if you give them a bigger pot the plant grows bigger and needs ore food. I think I will grow next summer starting in December.


dsyfer ...A good hit of fish based food would help it, ....... Dynamic Lifter Fish Ferterliser helped it get over it, Charlie Carp is another one, both are organic so you'd be hard to burn em so give em full strength, ....


Yep Flushing done and Dynamic Lifter Fish Ferterliser mixed ready.


cheers all

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nitram i start OD in jan feb so they dont peak over the fence,


Most likley your plants need food i suggested a flush only to remove any thing that may have been added in past. The fish kelp isnt really a nute your better off buying a NPK nute a single part would suit you well maby even some PK to boost your flowers ontop of fish juice if you choose


My OD are on hydro nutes daily and seasol once a week with the seasol i notice yellowing of new growth a day after feed but disapears soon after.

Seasol should be stopped like rizotonic two weeks into flower .

Probally find you have atlot of roots due to the Vit B in fish stuff


Yes a plant may need more nute in bigger pot but not straight away. a plant only takes what it needs the rest will build up and burn plants it is use to a certin amount if fed regulary if high nute level is use after low level you sure to see a boost in growth followed by burning is why i recomend second day feeds with flush plain water inbetween.. At this stage go full strength every second day. Do you have yellow leaves falling of and into soil? more nutes.


i prefure to use flower nutes all the time even in veg saves cash and no slower or less healthy.


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thc24..... nitram i start OD in jan feb so they dont peak over the fence ...Most likley your plants need food i suggested a flush only to remove any thing that may have been added in past. The


Spot on - need to tone down the egerness :rolleyes: Flush done :whistle:



My OD are on hydro nutes daily and seasol once a week with the seasol i notice yellowing of new growth a day after feed but disapears soon after.


Seasol should be stopped like rizotonic two weeks into flower .

Probally find you have atlot of roots due to the Vit B in fish stuff


I have been thinking of switching to Hydro nutes for a while now. Since I am looking at feeding and now the timing is right I will do just that to one plant and compaire the results over a few days.


Thanks for that suggestion thc as the flowering specific nutes is what it looking for nd shold be ideal.


I will kick off with an EC of 16 (1.6) once weekly. and PH adjusted water (PH = 6.2).


I found 'seasol' caused some nasty (minor) fungal infectiion earlier in the grow. I have it but don't use it. Dynamic Lifter has 'Natrakelp' a Tasmainian Bull seaweed extract. But it seemed suited to veg rather than flowering.


shroomz .......... a foler feed with folitech from dm has a high amount of (Nitrgen as NO3)

that might help


Thanks shroomz ...........I have started folier spraying at night only (light out).


Onward as the sun is out. :peace:

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Hi Nitram if your only going to feed once a week go a bit higher maby 2.2 ec or 2.0 id even feed on this rate from day one. Try to feed twice or three times aweek they will start growing alot faster and keeps the yellowing away.


Foliatech is good i use it too but only on cuts and in veg.


My OD often get the run off from indoors the ec would be 3.0ec+ with no burning i dont do this all the time maby once a week .

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