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the accused man is my dad

i would like to know what a person might expect for the penalty ?


Raiden your father needs to get a lawyer.


I wouldnt hesitate to guess at his potential for a sentence but he is in a very serious situation.


IN SA he could be looking at a life sentence (usually 25 years) and in recent times seizure of property.


Usually the laws are specific if you have this many plants you get this and so forth.


I have never heard of a life sentence for cultivation with sentencing usually being on the lighter end of the scale for cultivation of the green goddess.


Your father has a few factors (second offence and no chance that he could claim personal use) going against him. His case could turn into a show trial because of the 'biggest' factor. Although 3000 plants is not big for the Eastern states.


If people havent noticed the times they are a changin.


And they are not changing for the better.


Good luck



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Why would you take such a risk? I feel sorry for ur dad. To do such a thing at his age is crazy. Well at any age really. I take into consideration the laws of the day when I set up. I dont' want to spent a minute in jail. If I owned a farm in the middle of woop woop, i'd set up a shed with 3 phaze power and set up something cool. No need for 3000. Plus, how could u trim 3000 plants? It would take u 6 months. Took us 14 hrs to trim 6 plants and there was 3 of us. Granted they were large and we were slightly intoxicated :) , but hell, 3000 plants!! Good luck mate. I wish ur dad all the best. I think his age might work in his favour.



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