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Marijuana linked to early onset lung disease

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Saturday, March 25, 2006. 8:13am (AEDT),

Marijuana linked to early onset lung disease

New research from Melbourne's Alfred Hospital has found that people who smoke marijuana risk lung disease up to 20 years earlier than those who only smoke cigarettes.


A study shows patients report symptoms ranging from breathlessness to chest infection and may develop young disease as early as age 28.


Associate Professor Matthew Naughton says there are several reasons for the early onset, including how the marijuana is smoked.


"Normally with a tobacco you just take a gentle inhalation but when people are smoking marijuana it's often a forced inspiration to the maximum capacity and held in that fashion for 20 to 30 seconds," he said.


"There's no filter and there's no regulation as to the preparation of the leaf that is being smoked, so therefore all sorts of chemicals and even fungi may be in the marijuana, contributing to accelerated infections within the chest."


Doctors say in about 40 per cent of cases, lung disease does not show up in the normal way in marijuana smokers.


They say high resolution CT scans are needed to detect it.

Author: www.abc.net.au

Date: 25 March 2006.

Source: ABC news

Copyright: © 2006 ABC



(Removed line here about "latest propaganda").

Edited by Pa-uul
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Not sure this is proganda! Sounds reasonable to me. :xcited:


This is not from a politician, but from a scientist, who usually have some ethical standards. (I know I will be told about some unethical scientists, like the Korean stem cell guy! Note I said usually people).


I think the message should provoke thought amongst us, not derision. Actually the article is not saying MJ is bad, it is saying the extra chemicals and fungi are the issue!


I have seen MJ with fungus on it and I seriously doubt the quality of some of the crap that is sold. Isn't that why we grow our own? :toke:

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haaaaaaaaahahahahaha good point Hank...

In SA, we must be the only place in OZ that doesnt mix.. when I was in the city the only people I nkew of that smoked a mix was tourists.. and they werent welcome in my house, sacrelidge of good buds I reckon.. since I moved, now down near the vic border... every fucking one does it... well almost every one.... no point growing great skunk to mix it with shitty tobacco


So what this guy is saying is that Ciggies are better than MJ... what ever... I dont have any cianide or arsenic in my buds?? also when I was in High Skool we done experiments with magnesium.. I can remember the teacher making us wear a dust mask when doing these experiments with ALL windows open, he said the smoke from the magnesium will KILL you.. well those little blue lines in your ciggies.... thats MAGNESIUM.... I dont have them on my buds....


I could just about garantee any pot smoker that gets a lung desiese from smoking pot are most probably smoking a mix.... considering a study has shown any one smoking MJ mixed with Tabacco risks a 7x greater chance of getting lung cancer.....

Edited by SukonmiSkunk
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I spun with tobacco for years as a ciggy smoker.. theres a 'bong rush' to it, which is prolly just niccotine poisoning. You might miss that for a while when changing to green.

Other than that the only other reason ppl spin their smoko has to be the economics of it. They buy it, so try to make it last.

Like the part where he says ppl take a deep hit and hold it. You don't 'have' to smoke like that when you grow your own.

But I read that you don't get any higher if you hold the smoke longer either. So it no doubt pays to let it out of your lungs quickly, if the thc is already in. That way you can live longer, to smoke (or vape, or eat) longer ;)


I agree vics do spin heavy for some reason. A brown mix :xcited: Most say oh no I can't smoke it green it makes me cough. :toke:

Man, I reckon save your ciggy, for after the billys ;)

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I must admit I misread this article to be talking about cancer, but now I see it is just about "lung disease", which could be just about anything.

...Sounds reasonable to me....
There is some useful info here about the chemicals and fungi in amateur grown pot.
...it's often a forced inspiration to the maximum capacity and held in that fashion for 20 to 30 seconds...
Often?? Who's done that since high school? He's obviously not a smoker.


It just sort of skips over the issue of whether pot and tobacco are smoked separately or together: "...who smoke marijuana risk lung disease up to 20 years earlier than those who only smoke cigarettes..." I think there could be a link developed here about people who smoke marijuana with their tobacco, so to speak, who might have a particular aggravation to marijuana smoke that people who smoke only marijuana don't have.

...Not sure this is proganda!....
The reason I mentioned the word propaganda in my earlier post is that the ABC has a reputation for only telling the bad side of marijuana studies. They did a similar thing in the Catalyst story on road deaths stating that "dying while on cannabis" was 7 times higher a likelihood, giving no treatment to the issue of whether alcohol was involved in many of those cases.
With the morgue results leaving little room for argument
No consideration was given to the fact that many Australians take multiple drugs when they do so. That is bullshit and that is what the ABC are all about when it comes to drugs. Just remember: people at the ABC are on the payroll. Edited by Pa-uul
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there could be some truth to the article, but like its already been mentioned, for the study to be accurate they'd need to have people who smoke straight pot, people who smoke with a mix and people who only smoke ciggies :toke:


oh and i read on the news last night that the government is trying to influence the ABC so that the government gets to pick who is in charge when the head guy leaves th job in july i think it was...the media so far has said that they believe the govt. is doing it in order for the ABC to give them favourable reports, etc. and im inclined to believe them :xcited:

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