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Drinking Plus Pot Smoking May Equal More Injuries

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Problem drinkers who also use marijuana may be particularly injury-prone, according to a study of emergency room patients. Rhode Island researchers found that among 433 injured patients considered problem drinkers, those who said they also smoked pot appeared more accident- prone than others.


Compared with patients who said they didn't use marijuana, users were more likely to have had another injury in the past year, particularly an alcohol- or driving-related one.


Overall, nearly half of the study participants said they had smoked pot in the past three months, according to findings published in the January issue of the journal Academic Emergency Medicine.


It is not known whether these ER patients had actually used an alcohol-pot combo before they were injured, the study authors point out. Nor could they tell whether marijuana use alone is an injury risk factor.


"Isolated use of marijuana may or may not contribute to injury," write the researchers, led by Dr. Robert Woolard of Brown University Medical School in Providence.


Still, they conclude, the findings do suggest that problem drinkers who also use pot may be especially vulnerable to injury.


According to the researchers, ER doctors need to be aware that many of their injured patients may need counseling for both alcohol and marijuana use--and not just alcohol alone.


However, they point out, few emergency departments routinely screen all injured patients for alcohol and other drugs. And when problem drinking is clearly the culprit, the researchers add, "screening for other drugs is unusual."


Problem drinkers in this study were identified either by breath testing in the ER, patients' own reports of drinking shortly before the injury, or by scores on a standard screen for "hazardous" drinking.


Those who also reported marijuana use tended to be young, white males with relatively less education--although many patients overall, the researchers note, were college students.


SOURCE: Academic Emergency Medicine 2003;10:43-51.


Source: Reuters

Published: January 16, 2003

Copyright: 2003 Reuters News Service

Website: http://www.reuters.com

Contact: http://about.reuters.com/custhelp/

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Guest Urbanhog

I know few people are seriously big time injure prone... like my younger brother.... I have lost count how many times he has injured and damaged things while under influence of bourbon and pot.... The list is so long and he has a nice collection of broken bongs..... ;)


I find I don't injure myself much while under influence of both mixes anywhere outside the kitchen, usually I am just too lazy and wasted to move, so I assume its safer for me to stay in my fave couch or here on my computer armchair.... ;)


The only time I get injures is often when I am cooking while drinking too much wines and cookies and joints, often get hot oil/water burns on my hands and sometimes on my stomach from hot steams, and spitting oils, etc.. as I live up the tropics and don't wear t-shirt much during the summer too bloodly hot .... often dont notice them until the next day when I sober up :P


Urbanhog http://www.gamers-forums.com/smilies/contrib/sp/chefico.gif

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