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Police dog finds drugs stashed in nappies

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thats bullshit lol A bit of pot, espescially a friggin GRAM of it, shouldnt be worth 10 bucks imo, let alone a hundred bloody dollars.. The people (scumbags) selling it for that price need a bloody good kicking.. They would be laughing all the way to.. well wherever they go to laugh :smoke:
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So anything you grow gets ripped before it grows ; shoot the sherriff , thats fucked . I was thinking a bag full of seeds and a set of grow instructions wouldve been a good addition to the community there , but its never that simple is it ?Thered have to be fringes and pockets of land where you can grow plots surely , you know sometimes the best spots are under peoples noses . I was just looking at where you are on a map , strictly 4wd and in the wet season would be of limits i take it ??
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dude its not cops or tourists or anything im worried of finding the crop. thats simply not an issue. no one is allowed to come into arnhem land without permission, and no one ever comes this far into arnhemland.


its the locals. they still live a rather traditional life up here. in terms of their connection to the land, and the fact that most of their diet comes from the land. they all know every square inch of it. its realy quite remarkable how intune with this land they are.


anyways, long story short, they know it much beter then i do. id have no hope in hell of finding a spot without one of my friends help. but then as soon as one person in town knows (no matter how good a friend they are) everyone would know.


now, every one here smokes. well, mostly everyone. and most people know i smoke, however they only tolerate it coz i keep it heaps quiet. if i startd growing and everyone knew about it, id be asked to leave. i have a pretty sick job and am in quite a position of trust and responsability. but i think that would goin to far.


not to mention the fact thats its not really cool to go walking off explroing on peoples lands. there are so many dreaming and sacred sites all over the place. its a privelidge to be taken and shown the magic of the area. and it only comes from trust and respect. im a visitor in someones elses land and i must repsect their values and wishes.


basicly, outdoor grow = totaly impossible




and yes, they are waaaay over charging. but u need to see this place to understand how it all works. i wouldnt call them scumbags, id call them opertunists.

and remeber how far down the food chain i would be here in arnhem. who knows where the buds come from before darwin, and how many times they have changed hands and had the price doubled. plus the massive risk involved in getting it out here in the wet season when all roads are closed.

Edited by floyd
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Yeh i never been in arnhem land must be awsome , my sister worked at jabiru for a few years and loved it there , i hear what ya saying about everything . Wouldnt wanta fuck that up thats for sure . yeh i dont reckon there scumbags either as if its not someone its someone else doin the same thing etc as it goes through so many hands it gets pricey , but would be good to be paying alot less , like getting it through a grower instead of lots of middle people . Be good barra fishing there wouldnt it ?
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would definatly be good to get direct off a grower. have been enquirering about the risks in volved with aust post? any tips/stories/advise?


and yeah natmyst - the barra are fn great! and just getting beeter as the wet prgresses. we go out at least once a week to a local place and get at least 8 big barra and 2 wallabys. im the only balanda for miles!

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