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Police dog finds drugs stashed in nappies

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Author: Rebecca Hewett

Date: 20 mar 06

Source: http://www.themercury.news.com.au/common/s...255E421,00.html

Copyright: © Davies Bros




Police dog finds drugs stashed in nappies

By Rebecca Hewett




A WOMAN has been arrested at Darwin airport for taking part in an alleged plan to send cannabis to a remote community in a box of nappies.


Veronica Ankin, 33, was arrested after she was stopped by police at the airport last Tuesday during a routine drug detection operation.


Police spokeswoman Sue Bradley said the woman was found in the lounge area after police drug dog Monte reacted to a bag belonging to a 22-year-old woman. A search of the luggage, which was bound for Maningrida, revealed 383 clip-seal bags containing 222g of cannabis, she said.


Ms Ankin appeared in the Darwin Magistrates Court last week charged with possession and supply of a dangerous drug. She was also charged in relation to an incident in August last year, where 208g of cannabis was allegedly found in a box of washing powder.


Police say the cannabis had a street value of between $11,000 and $18,000.


He said when Ms Ankin was asked what she was doing with the cannabis, she said she was sending it to people who would sell it and put the money in her bank account. The prosecutor opposed bail on the grounds the operation was "organised" and likely to have caused great harm to the community.


Defence lawyer Alex Bligh said her client would admit the earlier charges but was "not involved" with the more recent event. Ms Ankin was granted bail to appear in court in Manigrida in April.



383 clip bags containing 222g?? :scratchin: thats only just over .5 of a gram in each one :nea:

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Hey guys


i live right near Maningrida (where this happened) in Arnhem land.


no one grows up here. im blow away buy it. all the dope comes from darwin in pretty much the same way this sheila got done. someone goes to darwin, buys an ounce or 2 and comes back, then sells it for 100 bux a gram

50 bux a gram if your very very lucky.


it is absolulty rediculous!


ive been told by the locals that the coppers dont care about ppl smoking, they just care about ppl dealing. and in particular, balanda (white people) coming in just to deal.


u pay a hundred bux then get a tiny little baggy with your 1 gram in it, all chopped up. its so sad.

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Arnhem land sounds dry as , didnt realise it was like that there . On my travels around oz alot communitys up north had there own supply and grew there own even sold abit here and there to whites obviously its different here , id love to drop em a load of seedy shit those prices are criminal , poor buggers . One consolation is its better than the grog but thats fucked charging like that , bastards !!
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id love to get my own supply happening but im only out here for 3 months at a time, then im away for 2 weeks.


i could have a hydro set up with timers etc etc (which is probobly my only option) however id be to worried to leave the house for 2 weeks while the lights and shit are still ticking over.just asking for a fire to happen or somthing.


outdoor grow is out of the question. although im surrounded by more natural bush, and perfect growing locations then ive ever seen - there is just no such thing as unknown/un used area. these guys know every square inch of their land. between the 500 people intown, there aint much land that doesnt get used for hunting or walking or whatever. it would get found and ripped off just like that.


im seriously amazed that none of the locals grow.


and as for the rediculous prices - they only charge that becoz ppl pay it. supply and demand. when there is only one dealer in town, they can more or less dictate what ppl pay.


a few months ago i drove for 2 and a half hours just so i could buy at around 50 a gram. i figured the drive was worth the 50% saving.


im comunities on a main air route (ie maningrida) its always ait cheaper, coz its easier to get. imbasicly out in themiddle of nowhere. it takes 3 planes just to get to darwin.

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