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Cannabis damaging, says study

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19 March 2006:


A NSW Health Department report to be released today proves the devastating impact of cannabis abuse on the mental and physical health of chronic abusers.


Announcing a Government offensive to curb cannabis use, Health Minister John Hatzistergos said: "This report should silence the apologists for the so-called soft drug market.


"Using cannabis is self-inflicted destruction of the mind and the body.


"Anyone who thinks cannabis is a soft drug should come to visit a psychiatric unit to see its devastating affects."


Announcing the site of the state's fourth cannabis clinic to treat chronic users, Mr Hatzistergos said abuse of the nation's most widely used illicit drug could lead to psychosis, depression, anxiety and increased suicide risk; detrimental effects on the cardiovascular, respiratory and immune systems; premature ageing of the brain responsible for short-term memory; and slow brain development at a young age.


"With the incidence of mental illness among cannabis users on the rise, it is now more important than ever to take action," he said.


"Cannabis is also often part of a wider pattern of substance abuse, including cigarettes, alcohol and other drugs.


"Long-term use can lead to both physical and psychological dependence."


Mr Hatzistergos will visit the site of the proposed Southern Sydney Cannabis Clinic at Sutherland Hospital today and reinforce the Government's commitment to tougher penalties for the cultivation of hydroponically-grown cannabis.


The clinic will operate next month from the Sylvania Community Health Centre until its base at the hospital is established.

Author: Alex Mitchell

Date: March 19, 2006

Source: Cannabis damaging, says study, Sydney Morning Herald

Copyright: © 2006

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Announcing a Government offensive to curb cannabis use, Health Minister John Hatzistergos said: "This report should silence the apologists for the so-called soft drug market.


what a fukin idiot .... open some nut .. houses for those poor cunts who are sick ,and leave us pot smoking


hippies alone :scratchin:

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Four clinics for cannabis in NSW alone. It's great that people who need help to give up the habit have help available but what could they do for you? Say "don't smoke it" or scare you with stories they make up in the tea room, you know, about the guy who had to be admitted to the hospital because he got schizophrenia from it? :scratchin: Are they going to see you through the shivers and cramps like a heroin withdrawal? I mean, they can't give you methadone so, what is the clinic for? They could make you submit to drug testing from home.

This report should silence the apologists…
"Silence the apologists!" post-6986-1142723189_thumb.jpg NSW Health Minister John Hatzistergos

"The grand inquisitor is here." How do they decide who can voluntarily give it up using health services and who needs it forced out of them through imprisonment I wonder?

…to be released today proves the devastating impact…
What does author Alex Mitchell mean by "proves"? Even when they're trying to get it right more than half of new scientific studies are wrong in their conclusion according to a New Scientist article.


Why is it always advocates for prohibition wanting to increase penalties for cannabis users who repeat the health warnings?

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:scratchin: "A NSW Health Department report to be released today proves the devastating impact of cannabis abuse on the mental and physical health of chronic abusers."



Ok yeah cool. That statement is pretty well right!

Why is it right? Because "chronic abusers" could bring harm to themselves with any substance, including sugar!


Perhaps the health minster has been chronically abusing himself a little too often.




"Cannabis is also often part of a wider pattern of substance abuse, including cigarettes, alcohol and other drugs."



So why pick on the one drug that if "chronically abused" will NEVER lead to overdose? The other legal 2 WILL KILL if "chronically abused". But oh no... that would mean more ALIVE abusers in mental hospitals with skitzo. hahaha, what a jib.


"Long-term use can lead to both physical and psychological dependence."


Oops, they softened the category.. long term 'use'... we were being bashed with "chronic abuse".

So only use it, don't abuse it. :nea:

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"Using cannabis is self-inflicted destruction of the mind and the body.


ok were do I start.. yes, using cannibus is self inflicted.... I light my cone all by my self..my mummy would be proud, now I can do 2 things... smoke cones by my self.. and tie my shoelaces.... and as for my mind... yes it does destroy...... all the bulshit our inadequate skool system preaches us to so see clear to the real world...


"With the incidence of mental illness among cannabis users on the rise, it is now more important than ever to take action," he said.


if mental illness is on the rise....1% WOW bring in the national guard.... then why the fuck did they shut all the mental hospitals down.... I reckon due to all the institutes closing.. putting more mentally ill on the streets.. would almost certainly be the reason for the 1% rise in mental illness... which really is fuck all....



"Cannabis is also often part of a wider pattern of substance abuse, including cigarettes, alcohol and other drugs.


yes well I do beleive I smoked ciggys when I was about 7, and come to think of it... that was around the first time I was drunk too.... I didnt start smoking pot untill I was 19......so the gate way drug.... is ciggies and alcohol.... not pot......, oh and I only smoke pot ......now that I am educated.....


this is really creditable .... considering every other INDEPENDANT study shows none of these results... I wonder how much this report cost them to make up......or who they paid to make it up?????

with the government thats in charge and all the lies theyve told the Australian public.. why would anyone beleive anything these wankers said....?????


the bigger issue is our troops fighting a war that was orchestrated by the US for their oil concerns.... and the thing is we dont even need crude oil.... cars amd machinery can be run using other safer and more enviromentally friendly fuels...... like MARAJUANA...............for 1


stupid pollies, get ya fucking heads out of the sand and start thinking about the people, the enviroment and harmony with the earth..... b4 corporate profits.....


oh did it mention in that study.. that growing VAST feilds of MJ will replenish the OZONE layer.......

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if mental illness is on the rise....1% WOW bring in the national guard.... then why the fuck did they shut all the mental hospitals down.... I reckon due to all the institutes closing.. putting more mentally ill on the streets.. would almost certainly be the reason for the 1% rise in mental illness...



Yes SS you have pointed out the real reason that mental sickness is on the rise, which is for the past 6 years

government spending on mental health has been cut by 20% in real terms.

people in need have great difficulty in getting help, which generally results in a decline in thier mental health


the minister is shifting the blame from his governments lack of spending on mental health, to the defenceless cannabis plant :scratchin:



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Mr Hatzistergos will … reinforce the Government's commitment to tougher penalties for the cultivation of hydroponically-grown cannabis.
Having higher concentration of a substance doesn't chemically alter the nature of that substance. You need less so, stronger cannabis is safer cannabis. lol
...I wonder how much this report cost them to make up......or who they paid to make it up...
That's a very good point, Sukonmi.
...why would anyone beleive anything these wankers said...
Because they're stupid and/or afraid.
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I heard if you smoke nutmeg it makes you go fucking nuts.

lets ban nutmeg, infact lets ban everything because we all know, people cant be trusted.

If you tell a lie for longer enough, (stupid) people will begin to believe it.

I really dont care what politicians or anyone else says.

People voted them into power.

People believe the lies.

People are stupid.

Im outta here.

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