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$800,000 cannabis seized in search

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$800,000 cannabis seized in search

Friday Mar 17 07:23 AEDT

Police have seized $800,000 worth of hydroponic cannabis during a search of a Sydney house.


The police raid about midday on Thursday uncovered 254 cannabis plants with an estimated street value of $800,000 in the house at Birrong, south west of Sydney.


They also found other items for a hydroponics set-up.


A 42-year-old man was arrested and charged with cultivating a commercial quantity of a prohibited plant.



He will face Burwood Local Court on Friday.



©AAP 2005



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One grower last week got $1.3 million from 70 plants according to the police and this poor barstard can only produce $800,000 from 254 plants.

You can tell who gets their growing technique from Ozstoners and who doesn't :applause:


Or maybe the police experts simply pull figures out of a hat. :peace:

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I went to see this guy in court today. I was hoping to see how they got the search warrant but it was just a bail hearing. His lawyer tried to get him off the commercial charge (>250 plants) by saying it was only slightly over, and that he could have been just a courier/caretaker and not the owner of the plants. The prosecution had the paperwork to prove that he was renting the place, and eyewitnesses said that he was frequently seen around the house, which shot down the courier theory. The judge said he was unlikely to get a 'custodial sentance' because he has no previous convictions. His bail was set at $120K and he's back in court on 24th May.
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One grower last week got $1.3 million from 70 plants according to the police and this poor barstard can only produce $800,000 from 254 plants.

You can tell who gets their growing technique from Ozstoners and who doesn't lol


Or maybe the police experts simply pull figures out of a hat. :applause:



More like out of there arse! :peace:

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