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Dr Cannabis

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Another example of the repression and demonising of the cannabis plant, which in all reality has the solution

to many of our energy needs, and is a viable replacement to many of the forest -based

products that we are using at such an alarming rate.


The doctor in the interview should be awarded Australian of the year IMO :(



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I agree hemp is a wonderful plant but this clarification to industrial hemp as having <0.1% THC worries me. I don’t want fields of industrial hemp anywhere near my plants ‘cause I don’t want the pollen to come close.


The solution: hemp for rope that’s also killer in strength. I call it ninja rope. If anyone would like futures on it just give me a call. That's a joke – that would have to wait for the full legalisation of cannabis, which I hope comes soon. (Ha. :xcited:) :( (not coming)

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I need a cone... I cant comment yet.. I am way too............... well you know



ok, now that I am stoned enough.. As much as Id hate to say this.. but this poor fella will go a row..... I am still sure you need to have a liscence to produce industrial hemp in this country.... just like any other business I guess..... there are industrial hemp crops in tassie... arent there??

so why would this guy think he's above the law.......


with that said I think this is absolute bullshit, hes obviously done a lot of research and put a lot of time and money into producing the fibre. Also the police done the tests and come back with .09% THC content... which is nothing.... hes right when he said the law is wrong....and personally I would love to see industrial hemp grown once agian in this country... like it was the whole reason why the british colonized Australia in the first place.


It was just a little over 100 years ago, when the police were scouting around the country destroying Vineyards and Wine making opperations, while the growing of HEMP was completely legal..... the reason they stopped destroying the vinyards and wineries was becuase there was just TOO much of it being grown.... funny hey, now the Australian Wine Industry is one of the bigest in the world with our wines being well sort after in all parts of the globe, not surprising since our wines are the BEST in the world.


So why is HEMP illegal??? we could and we SHOULD have the biggest hemp industry in the world, leading the way to reduce greenhouse immisions......not to mention supplying our own biomass fuel........the best hemp can be grown in our country.. just like the wine.... Australia is the best place in the world for agriculutral farming.. why cant the pollies see that an idustry in hemp would only help the county???. Just like the wine industry has....

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There's "experimental crops in Qld, and in NSW that I know of. The Tasmanian crop was destroyed by vandals. Can you grasp that? Tasmania grows the largest crops of opium in the world, including Gm varities (forget the official line they don't), and the red neck locals will phone the police to report the number plate details of even tourists that stop to photo-graph the fields of rather awsome looking flowers.


But these same red necks discovered the hide away crop of Mj and slipped into it one night and ruined it because of bias against grass in general. Maybe they did another patch at another location but I don't know.


Even though the stuff is use-less as a smoke, the crop's inspected by gov. authorities throughout the year, and when the harvest's ready they come along to cut the heads off and destroy them.


Like Arlo Guthrie said "friends, officer Obe wasn't taking any chances..."


Of course, special permission is needed to grow experimental crops, but the reality is we import loads of Hemp every year, for products that aren't immediately obvious. Of course the textile industry has their imports, but a certain % of news print is Hemp, because the long fibres make the paper stronger. if they didn't incorporate it in the mix, your news paper would rip every time you turned a page. I've forgotten the other applications, but it's in products here and there, and the import price is herrendous, because the few countries growing it commercially have such a monopoly.


My nephew was BORN with cancer, in what's called "The Cancer Belt", west of Mid North Qld, due to the extensive use of chemical sprays used to control the cotton bettle in cotton crops. By the time he was 2 years old he'd had a dozen or so operations, and was terrified of people, because of the amount of people who had stuck him with needles.


Cotton is directly responsible for the high levels of salt causing once good quality agriculture soil into desert. In HUGE lots of land. It's also high on the list why we're almost out of water in most of the country, because it requires such large amounts of water to grow well.

Cotton farmers use such huge turbines (comapritive to jumbo jet motors) to draw water from natural water ways such as (but not restricted to) the Murray/Darling system. It's said that when all the farmers pump on the same day in a row, the Murray river flows backwards!


For a country of such insignificant rainfall, this is a stupid plant to grow, although it being a natural fibre, I'm not "anti-cotton" by nature. It just should be grown in countries/districts with naturally high rainfall, and isn't plauged by the cotton bettle as we are.


Hemp would save the lives of many people that die of cancer around the cotton growing areas; it's a hugely kept secret in a sense. At least the media refuses to touch it. But it's real.



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Cheers for the flick Oz Stoner (even though it's a old thread). I've heard a bit about this guys case but never got to hear his side of the story, other than what was published on the net.


I'm no expert, but sounds as if he'll go a row of shithouses, bit of a bumma really cause it seems he done his homework. But the no lisense and supply to others will be most likely what they try and screw him over with. :thumbsup:



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