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Newbie With A Suck Plant

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I've been looking through these post to try and work out if I'm over or underwatering my plants. I'm about 2 weeks into my first grow, and all the plants are growing at different rates. Some have taken forever to break through the soil. Whilst others have gone bezerk!. lol


My largest plant has a brown tinge on the very tip of the leave. I didn't worry too much because I genrally freak out to easy and was told to chill. Well I've been trying to chill and now I'm strartin' to freak out. The edge of the leave is starting to go brown. This is only on the largest leaf and at it's etremitys. I don't know if this is from over or underwatering or lack of nutes (haven't added any yet) or being to close to the light (fluros)


I'm watering Wednesday, Friday, Sunday and tomorow morning. Is this to often?. When I water I just add water till it starts running out the bottom of the pot and let it sit and drain before placing it back under the light. I'm using Amgrow Potting Mix


Thanks lol

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hi new HollanD, ill try to help here those brown tips most people dont notice but is the best place to look at when judging how you plant reacts to feeding, when tips burn plant is telling you the nutes are perfect to a little strong , maby lower nutes slightly.
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Hi NH,


thc24 ... brown tips most people dont notice ......when tips burn plant is telling you the nutes are perfect to a little strong , maby lower nutes slightly.



NH ....My largest plant has a brown tinge on the very tip of the leave. I didn't worry too much because I genrally freak out to easy and was told to chill. Well I've been trying to chill and now I'm strartin' to freak out. The edge of the leave is starting to go brown
I think you also mentioned that the leaf edges were curling slightly upwards also..


I've been looking through these post to try and work out if I'm over or underwatering my plants.


If the problem worsens dratically, and you need to flush them out to get rid of excess nutes you can with just Plain PHed water. However, this would increase the amount of water. So do it only if your plants worsen and don't if you can fix by lower the EC (nutrient feed) slightly and the plants recover on there own without a flush. I know it is a delimma but, if overwatering is the problerm, there is a whole lot of symptoms somewhat different (drooping, soggy leaf floage with very soggy and very week stems) as opposed to a drying out of the flolage, crisp ing up and deadening (ie. browning).


Overwatering can result in the plant, depending on the age of the plant(s), with the stems supporting the leaves to weaken and collapse. Leaves are not crispy and frail, but moist and soggy. :wacko: This is quite distinctive and the plant looks like it has ben "drenched" (ie. overwatering).


I think I saw a pic in your another post(s). I saw the brown edges on the very ends (tips) of your young plants (nutes too strong), but the problem apeared to be only slight. thc is right about the nutes being slightly too strong, but not by much. If you lower the EC rather than flushing, of your plants will be OK. lol


Your vigilant and careing but too much care could do more damage or make a problem worse. In my opinion I would lower EC before flushing. On the growth rate diffeence matter, smaller plants will at first appear to be staggerered in growth. siomply this is deue to them either germing a day or too earlier but will correct itself over time once the plant ages alowingf the other smaller less vigerous plant to catch up. lol


I'm about 2 weeks into my first grow

Being so young you should be on 1/4 to 1/2 streanth nutes still & shold do so for the next 2 - 4 weeks. you will see a spurt in growth soon which will tell you to up your nute feed.


Grow well NH. lol

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guys he said he hasnt added any nutes yet! so how can he lower the ec?


if you havent added any nutes and ur just growing in potting mix i doubt it is nute burn.


if ur under flouros it wouldnt be light burn either


are the leaves droopy?


if its only one leaf on the whole plant that is showing necrosis then dont worry about it. if its spreading then also check roots. could be pythium

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KL thanks for pointing that out i was too quick to spew an answer without reading closely


sorry was blind last night, if you have not fed yet im unsure could be more than likley getting hungry or maby you just rubbed against it and caused slight damage , one leaf you say dont worry mate all is good i am constantly removing any unwanted/ damaged/ pale leaves sometimes you just get the odd leaf turn bad . give it a feed Keep close watch on new foliage, in veg you dont want many problems as they get bigger as time goes on

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First signs started to show about 4-5 days ago. First it was just the tip of the biggest leaf, now it's progresed along the edge of the leaf. Now the second largest plant is starting to show the same signs. I don't think it's from over watering because each time I water the pots are definatly dry. It is very well draing soil. I just used 3 litres of water to water the 15 plants but at least a litre ended up on the floor as run off. So 2000ml divide by 15 = 130ml per plant every 2nd to 3rd day.


When I water I just keep water until water starts to drip out the drainage holes in the bottom of the pot.


Now the leaf is starting to curl over a little


Edited by New Holland
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NH - When replied I thought you had new cuttings.


Your watering shedual looks good. What pot size pots R your plants in ?


The reason I ask if they are new seedlings you should have them in "seedling compost" for young plants.


I would look at repotting into the next size pot up however someone may have a nother solution for you. I pot up my plants from 2" to 4" then final flowering pot of 7" (square) as a satandard proceedure.


Repotting them into a softer mix may not be the easiest soulution. I know this is stuffing around but the all purpose compost is to "hot". That is it has too much 'N' (Nitrogen) for a new plant which is just a sedling.


In my opinion it is nute burn from the compost you have chosen. Someone may have a easy way out and flushing wont help alot as the fert is impregnated in the mix.


They will live but as is, they will get worse possibly cark it sooner or later if not given a rest. lol


What strain R the seedlings ?

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