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Pot-driving tests to stay and go national

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There talking of bringing it in in SA soon. i would really like to know how long after you smoke it comes up. cos if you smoke before bed and get up and drive to work, could you get done? I think i'm screwed anyway cos I always drive stoned cos if I didn't, I'd never drive basically cos I'm stoned a good portion of the time. Its going to confine me to my house lol
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I have been in the car with drunk drivers and I have to admit, once I did drive very drunk from home from a mates place around the corner and alcohol is a seriously dangerous substance to be driving on. I mean you just make serious judgement errors, even after just a couple of beers, and you think its all cool.

When stoned I am super vigilant, I focus entirely on the task at hand and tend to err on the side of being over cautious when it comes to judgements. One time driving along a side street I saw a headlight reflecting on a fence form another street and thought, that car may not stop and covered my break and backed off, then out she came an old lady didn't even look and just zipped out. If I hadn't of been stoned and paranoid I would have kept driving along and she would have T-boned me.

I slow my speed to suit my reactions, even if that means hugging the curb at 40kmh. It may not be totally safe but its a hell of a lot more so than alcohol.

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there was a report released last year in uk done by the transport and road research laboratory on smoking dope and driving. it found that people who were very stoned recognised that they were unfit to drive (unlike with alcohol) and those who felt able to drive did so more slowly and carefully. statistics tend to get manipulated.

sounds like you guys are so surrounded by government bullshit that it's difficult to see out. the uk has been through all the same crap over the years. they conveniently found this connection to psychosis very recently which has held things up a little but that was based on very dodgy research and is falling back. medical use over here is slowly being accepted and you can walk around with enough in your pocket for a good nights smoke without worrying about being pulled and searched. of course the pub trade doesn't like it - they'd rather we all got pissed every weekend and started fights and beat up our missus.

politicians have been justifying their existance over the centuries by getting outraged over things they know nothing about and when big business worries about the effect of cannabis liberation on their profits, you know it's still going to be a long, hard fight.

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Yeah, our politics is fucked here at the moment. We are currently living under the rise of the extream right here in Aussie land. 10-20 years ago things were very different. Here in South australia in 1987 personal use of cannabis and cultivation of 10 plants or less was decrimilised, that has now been slashed to 1 plant outdoor and hyrdoponics completly re-crimilised. Now with the SA state election coming up, the opposition just announced a policy that would re-crimilise personal use and effectivly give SA some of the harshest ganja laws in the country. Its the sort of shit that makes me feel like running off to Afghanistan and doing a David Hicks (At least I'll be able to smoke hash in peace). COME ON JOHNNY FUCKIN HOWARD COME ON ASIO LOCK ME UP FOR SEDITION NOW YOU FACIST FUCKS. If I never post here again then I guess they did, only shhh dont talk about it cos you'll go too :whistle: Edited by bloodshot_eyes
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Yeh its abit like that aye bloodshot , hicks was over there smokin the afganhi long before sept 11 happened which is an american conspiracy anyway .Our governemnt being the suckholes they are wont protect its citizens because there to far up bushes ass , makes me sick . The worlds been disabled by bozos and our holy weeds copp'n a floggin . Truths that are plane to see are being dismissed by corrupted lies and propaganda . These politicans that seem untouchable dictate how we should live our lives , when there dealing in death and numbers everyday , fuckkkers. Its enough to drive ya to drink , as stoned as you can ever get youll never be as stupified as what youll be when ya pissed not even half . We need to get more proactive with pot in relation to other drugs .
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Here here naturalmystic. I quite often find myself rushing to the bottom of a bottle of spirits writing myself off to the world, its all you feel you can do sometimes. On a good note though someone wrote in the Adelaide Adevertiser editorial this morining siting the fact that is in a Jounal somewhere that there is no proof that THC inhibits driving and then says that he is not a cannabis activist, just siting the facts. I'll see if I can find it an post it up..
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Yeh i reckon anyone thats wacked on pot unless there people that dont give a fuck generally anyway , would be more cautious drivers . Theres also the other side of it , that pot actually enhances night vision . Native fisherman use it in africa and parts of central and sth america , to navigate through reefs at night and spot fish . I mean these guys are unbelievably skillful hunters anyway and for them to use anything that would add to these skills surely says alot . yeh i started smoking pot long before i started drinking , but alcohol quickly became my downfall in many ways . I had cerosis of the liver by the time i was 19 , i lost jobs had finance problems and troubles at home all kinds of stuff through the grog not to mention the billion braincells ive lost haha . Its a heavy drug and it fucks you up if your not careful end of story , i still enjoy a drink now but instead of drinking till the cows come home i drink enough so i can make it home and not get thrown in the dog box , and i dont drink drive . You just have to look at the recent deaths in mildura to remind us how bad it is . BUt the do gooders arent out there trying to ban the grog are they , oh no cant have that .
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Australia: Cannabis Crash Risk Less: Study

URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v98/n945/a08.html

Newshawk: kwr01@uow.edu.au (Ken Russell)

Rate this article Votes: 0

Pubdate: Wed, 21 Oct 1998

Source: Age, The (Australia)

Contact: letters@theage.fairfax.com.au

Website: http://www.theage.com.au/

Copyright: 1998 David Syme & Co Ltd

Author: Penelope Debelle




The largest study ever done linking road accidents with drugs and alcohol has found drivers with cannabis in their blood were no more at risk than those who were drug-free.


In fact, the findings by a pharmacology team from the University of Adelaide and Transport SA showed drivers who had smoked marijuana were marginally less likely to have an accident than those who were drug-free.


A study spokesman, Dr Jason White, said the difference was not great enough to be statistically significant but could be explained by anecdotal evidence that marijuana smokers were more cautious and drove more slowly because of altered time perception.


"Essentially it is the same as if there was no drug," Dr White said.


"If there is any improvement ( in driving ) I don't think it is because of the drug itself but because of what people do because the drug is there."


The study of 2500 accidents, which matched the blood alcohol levels of injured drivers with details from police reports, has policy implications for those who argue drug detection should be a new focus for road safety.


In Victoria, legislation will be introduced into Parliament in the spring session to create a new offence of driving while impaired by drugs.


Dr White said the study showed the importance of concentrating efforts on alcohol rather than other drugs. "In Victoria particularly there is a strong move to look at cannabis and the development of roadside testing," he said.

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