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foliar feeding

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whats a good foliar feed mix for veg?


i normally give em a spray once a week with a 1/2 strength nute mix (a bucket from the nute tank!) when lights are off. if there are any pests (spider mites) i throw in some omite at this stage. otherwise thats it


i got myself some DM penetrator to throw in the mix


was wondering is there anything else worth mixing in (maybe nitrozyme?)


also how ofter should you / can you foliar feed ?


thanks all

Gonna give this piccy another try


Edited by maxgrow
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when i do a foliar

i dilute some of my nute tank

that basically consists of

silicamajic,fulvic concentrate,xtreme b1 booster,hygrozyme,a n b grow,

i then add some rhizo and some penetrator

shake ph and serve and the girls love it

about every 3rd day i run just phed water to give em a bit of a wash down from the accumulated salts on the stomata..


take care


Edited by SOMEONE
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Thanks Maxgrow,


Do you know what the Silica is for in the DuchMaster chart ?




According to DM's info;

Silca is a next generation plant nutritional suplement designed to promoe cell wall strength and optimise the performance of modern hydroponic nutrients to increase the yeilds in your hyrdoeponically grown plants.

Adds critical weight to all plants parts

Optimised to prevent HNS syndrome in plants -(high nitrogen syndrome)

Helps fight heat fatigue & light stress

maximises silicone uptake & distribution.


I can asure you it does work - especially the light stress part.

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I have just started using Dutchmaster 'Penetrator' (a wetting agent) and Dutchmaster 'Folitech'

( foliar nutrient spray ) when mixed according to instructions the PH ends up around 8.8. There were no directions in regerds to PH levels on the label, so I threw the mix away and emailed Dutchmaster.

They replied next day saying I should not adjust PH levels and to spray as is. I am doing this now.

I have 2 plants, one is getting the foliar spray, one is not. This is to prove one way or another whether

this stuff really does do anything. Funnily enough the one without the spray is huge and bud development

is exploding. Problem is, I burnt the plants a few weeks ago with an ozone gen, and the plant getting the

spray was the worse burnt of the 2, so if my results do not verify that these foliar products really do make

a big difference, I will have to put it down to the damage caused by ozone gen, and do the experiment


I think I will also try the Max FX by DM as well

Anyone else had any results worth talking about with these products?



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