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foliar feeding

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whats a good foliar feed mix for veg?


i normally give em a spray once a week with a 1/2 strength nute mix (a bucket from the nute tank!) when lights are off. if there are any pests (spider mites) i throw in some omite at this stage. otherwise thats it


i got myself some DM penetrator to throw in the mix


was wondering is there anything else worth mixing in (maybe nitrozyme?)


also how ofter should you / can you foliar feed ?


thanks all

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folier feeding is a great idea.

I use my wormcastings.... but yeah just a little nutes out of the tank watered down is fine too.

I wouldnt spray at night tho, could cause damage....


I wouldnt spray normal water either, too much crap in it and could burn the plants...... I use Soda Water, it has to be Salt FREE Carbonated water....

The Soda Water gives the plant a bit of a Co2 burst and help it take up nutes.... Also if ya have a dreaded insect problem its a great way to help the plant recover from the stress of the pesticides, either way try it with Soda Water for phenominal results....

I soda water once or twice a day with just soda water, and once a week while i am flushing with the wormcastings..... and it works wikidly..


If ya want some worm castings just ask me......PM

Edited by SukonmiSkunk
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good point Nitram,

also It can cause mold and other probs too.... :thumbdown

also as the plant is reaching the end of flowering just lightly mist the leaves....


I asked exactly the same the same thing when I was told about the soda water, it really goes against all principals... but with the carbonated water, you can really dose them when the light is on...they love it...

Luke S May be able to give a better explination.... :scratchin

as explained the me.......

Plants use both Co2 and oxygen....More Co2 during the light hours and more oxygen during the dark hours.... photosynthisus....or something, I could be totally wrong about this, but I am sure thats the main reason for spraying when the light is on..... what ever the reason... it fuckin works excellently :thumbsup


Bilo brand Soda water is the best.... check the bottle for the stat sheet.... there are 2 ways of making soda water, one is to mix bicarb and vinigar to create co2 gasses in the water and the other way is like the soda stream by forcing massive amounts of co2 gas into the water (carbonated water) get the latter.... the label should read Carbonated Water.......no SALTS.......

Oh and just use the Soda water dont bother doing half and half.


I get a few little 390ml coke bottles and fill them ..the rest goes into the spray gun to use....by filling the little bottles helps the gas to stay there instead of evapourating......I use the 1.25l bottles and are about 90c each.....


PS. obviously raise the lights when you spray, you dont want to accidently hit the globe, it could explode.... also if you are worried about the lights burning just leave them raised for a bit. I dont bother , they go straight back to where they were.... it doesnt seem to do any damage at all......stop spraying about an hour b4 the light goes off......


:thumbsup :smoke :D :D

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ok im going to try the soda water! they might like the bubbles in it too!


but im going to compromise on the lights on idea - what ive done is turn all but 1 light off (so i can see what im doing!) spray them and leave fans etc running, once the moisture evaporates (less than 30 mins in 30-40% humidity) ill turn the lights back on! hows that???


also i only foliar once a week? should i do more often


and finally, anyone tried DM penetrator? any good or snake oil

Edited by keepleft
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hey KL,

i got the poenetrator stuff

and u can see the leaves absorbing the mix

u can also spray with lights on with penetrator

i add 60mls per litre of nutes in spray bottle


take care


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