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Family First want cannabis recriminalised

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Quote dohmar

> Do you know what Family First are up to in the USA.?

I could give less than two hoots about what "Family First" are up to. They are irrelevant.


What is this thread all about dohmar.?


Quote pickle

Wow mate don't blame us for the wrongs of the world


Pickle when did I blame you for the wrongs of the world.?



Quote Pickle

You are shooting yourself in the foot, anyone who might listen to you, you insult... way to gain support.


I am not trying to gain your support pickle I am trying to gain your attention so as to educate you and it's working just fine.Because you keep replying.


As for your statement regarding Albert E you should take the time to read all that he said because you missed the point.


Dormer your hope that Family First will try to ban drinking displays only your ignorance Prohibition does not work. stupid


Quote pickle

Stop insulting people and do some research yourself, writing off the bible as a religious text and not worth your time is ignorant.


No pickle your are ignorant.To believe in talking snakes and donkeys and to support those who do is the work of the ignorant.To teach children that the sun stood still.To believe that a man walked on water or fed 5,000 people with a few fish is ignorant and only a fool would support those who do.


Quote pickle

Stop insulting people and do some research yourself,


What should I research pickle.???


Quote dohmar

If you knew anything about Christianity, you'd know that the actions a person does in this life are not judged particularly hard in certain circles of belief. Remember, Christians believe that humans were born into sin, and that the only person without sin was Jesus. But no, you don't remember, because you know fuck all.


Wrong again.The bible teaches Judge not then proceeds to add ,when you judge judge with righteousness.

yet another contradiction.The bible also teaches that the unbeliever the dope smoker the homosexual are all

judged and will receive eternal torment in the lake of fire.Idolatry fornication etc etc


Dohmar when you refer to Jesus are you referring to a real man that existed nearly 2000 years ago or are you referring to a fictional character.??


As for Jesus being without sin.Assaulting some one with a whip and disrupting the business of the money changers.Was against the law back then.Punishable by death by crucifixion.Its called aggravated assault.


Why did jesus not turn the other cheek.??



Dohmar how do you feel about the act of charity that Family First are just about to spring on ya.??


Your facts are at fault all Christians agree that taking drugs is against gods will.Why ? Because the bible told them so.They also agree that having sex before marriage is a sin and against gods will.


Provide proof of a Christian group that does not judge harshly the taking drugs or fornication.



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The more i read your posts the sillier you sound , when i saidi was outside a colour bond church laughing i didnt mean i was laughing at people im not that shallow im a very accepting person , what i meant is that i generally like to laugh when im getting high with my friends i like to enjoy life and be happy , what about you are you happy ? do you smoke the reefer ?? Or are you just some lonely heart with religous issues beating up on potsmoking jesus freeks ? No one disagrees that family first are fucked up , but now its like your using them to wage your war against christians . The way your coming across its like you dont really know yourself , but if you get others to belive what your saying youll feel better about the path your taking , a guy like you will never know . When you said that thing about the money christians spend etc , straight away im thinking iraq war . I think your energys would be best served fighting a different cause ,. yeh family first is fucked up we get that already !! Do you smoke , cause id say your in need of some good wacky weed :xcited:
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Yes I do I started 1973 4 finger deals for $30 elbows for $240 was the go.


Fully medicated 24/7


Once again you failed to answer a direct question you have attacked the messenger from post one.

So you got the same back.


Did Jesus exist or was he a fictional character.??


Note the foundation of Family First is Jesus and the The Bible

just as it is the foundation of every Christian.The bible is the word of god.


Is it a good thing to promote a book that has caused division for 2 thousand years.?

Yes or no.?


Is it a good thing to teach children that if they smoke dope or get drunk and die in that sin.

They will go to hell to be burnt with fire and tormented for ever and ever.??


What personality type would agree with infinite punishment as a reward for finite sin?. ?


Is infinite punishment a just reward for finite sin.?


Yes or no .?


Most people defend Christians because they have a religious family member.



Quote Mystic

No one disagrees that family first are fucked up , but now its like your using them to wage your war against Christians .


Supply proof of an Australian Christian organization that condones the smoking of pot .!


Why do i come across so strongly.?


If i do not prod you with a stick a bit.I will not get your attention.



For thousand of years man has been instructed to to give at least 10 % of his wealth to religion.


Christians deliver as little as 17% of what is given to what you refer to as good things.?


Today this still goes on big time.


Yet our loved ones are still dieing most agonizing deaths

from diseases that we should have cures for.


Our hospitals are not what they should be.


Science needs our money and our help not a god.


So as I sow the seed of doubt as I drive through at least another few minds have been challenged

to question religion and been supplied with the evidence to prove the error of religion.


Now if the info supplied moves 1 person to not give to religion.

Then possibly thousands of dollars may end up assisting a scientist find a cure for Old Timers or Parkinson's disease or Lung Cancer or Mouth Cancer or SIDS etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc


Would you like one of your children to die from bowel cancer suffering for months before they die.?

Yes or no.?


If you answered NO.?


Then how are helping for this disease to become a thing of the past.?


Don't build another church sing another song


Give to medical science so we can live a full life without pain or suffering.


So next time your challenged by a Christian point them in this direction


Ask them by what authority your are condemned by.





So as I drive through Mystic I leave you a little more informed


How stupid and foolish I was to believe in a god who is cruel and would torment a person

forever and ever.Who will not have the disabled in his presence .A god who condemns homosexuals

to death then eternal damnation.A god who killed 70,000 Innocent people because his king committed adultery.


Very stupid and foolish was I not.??

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Im barely goin to bother because im growing tired of all this nonsense , the thing is you havnt gotten my point , that is that its all just written words and the deeds of men ,have a good read . Do you think that us as a race hasnt gotten a hell of alot of problems ? Or do you think that where all fine but this bible thing is fuckin it up ? Mate the world in case you havnt realised is a fucking nuthouse and your one of em .I do belive in higher beings yes and i do belive theres a spirit world yes , but can anyone supply proof of that ? NO if you can go to australian sceptics society and theyll handsomelly reward you . The other point is , your clinging on to certain remarks or statements where you see what you think are floors and using it as some kinda weight behind your argument thinking it gives you some kind of leverage in your quest , i dont think i have the answers to life or of god, so in that its a floor right ??, all im saying is that i belive in a man called jesus ., i havnt even begun to inform you in what capacity and im not goin to bother you have a closed mind and there is no talking to people like you , this will be my last post in this blog . What ive found in life is that everyones on there own path , for awhile you maybe caught up in some christian organisation another time you might choose to be where you are now with your views chances are they may or may not change , i personally have taken many paths on many levels , like ive said before i may take bits out of eastern phillosophies and use them to my advantage , be it meditational skills ,enlightenment or just morals and i might think certain aspects of something else fits where i want it , im an open book in this way and ive done enough soul searching to know here my heads at . And thats fine its my life i dont have to explain myself to you or anyone else , fuck im also a member of the thc ministry which accepts all religions and cannabis is our holy sacrament . But if itold half the people i know theyd probably think i was a nut , but i live in australia and im free to practise what ever i want and think how ever i want . Thats what i like about being me is that im a very free thinker , ive experienced different cultures around the world and my minds always been open to what ever lifes experiences have to offer , maybe the fact that i do belive in jesus says alot in this way . All i said was do you smoke pot blah blah you didnt have to go on a big wank spree with your prices because that tells me alot about you , you have a big mouth people like you are a dime a dozen , ive seen devil worshippers convert to jesus , like what dohmar said the family first bullshit penticostal crap only makes up for the smallest percentage of christian organisations , yet heres where your leverage comes in sure as rain , jump on the bandwagon boy cause i just said half a dozen other things that you can use in your pathetic arguement ... have fun :thumbsup:
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You ask for proof yet you supply none yourself.


I certainly dont trust 3 whacked out websites.


And I'm starting to see how you might need to be medicated 24/7...


Oh, and only *Fundamentalist* christians believe that the bible is the literal word of god. Most christians do not, and I know for a fact most catholics do not, as they're very aware that the bible was transcribed from Aramaic, to Latin and then to English and any other language you'd care to name. People who interpret any text 'literally' instead of 'the spirit of' (legal text too) are altogether missing the point. So boo on them. But why diss the people who don't believe its the literal word of god? You love to blanket the term by saying "all christians". Grouping together religions indiscriminately is like saying 'All people from Queensland eat their own children'.


Did Jesus exist?

Yes he did. Its been proven in Roman canonicals, many related stories from the Talmud circa 30ad, that a man called Jesus, son of Joseph, was born and died around a particular time. Whether he is the son of God is the debate that every individual has the right to make for themselves. Personally, i don't believe it. But thats just me. Woot. And you cant claim these texts are christian conspiracy because the Romans were altogether not too fond of Jesus and his homies.


Blaming religion for disease is utter stupidity. We're mortals, we get sick, we die. Simple. Cures for illness won't keep us alive forever. And incidentally, a lot of hospitals here and in America have patronage from certain organisations (christians), such as the Calvary Hospital right here in Adelaide. You're trying to tell me that they're preventing a cure for ailments? Hah!


I can't even begin to argue as your mind is closed. You are missing everyones points, or purposefully ignoring them in hope to try and sound more forceful. I think u should chill and smoke a bong and stop hating. That would do more for your social esteem rather than rantings.


As for your questions, I really don't care for any of them, but I would say if it is your belief, then you continue believing as it is your right. Just dont try and enforce your views on us. We do happen to have our own minds to make up.


And as to your 'retort' to mystics last point, you failed, once again, to see the point. He has quite lucidly described how evil is a nature of man and religion is an opiate of the people (Marx's words, not mine). It works for some. Blaming all christianity for the shitty things in the world is like me blaming last nights vindaloo for needing toilet paper the next day. Even if I didnt eat the damned vindaloo, I'd still need to shit. Do you get my point yet? Nah. Didn't think so.



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I am not trying to gain your support pickle I am trying to gain your attention so as to educate you and it's working just fine.Because you keep replying.


When i indicated to you that you should try to gain support i meant if people are as ignorant as you think, alienating them is only going to close their minds farther. If that is your goal you are nothing more than a troll and not worth my time. What you should try to do is educate people, that way they might change their minds.


What you are doing is not educating me, just because i respond doesn't mean i mindlessly subscribe to your way of thinking. The fact is you are ignorant and realy don't have a grasp of the subject at hand or what the people involved are saying about it.


No pickle your are ignorant.To believe in talking snakes and donkeys and to support those who do is the work of the ignorant.To teach children that the sun stood still.To believe that a man walked on water or fed 5,000 people with a few fish is ignorant and only a fool would support those who do.


Here is an example of how you don't read what is written and fail to grasp what is being said, i told you that was was educated in a religious school but i am not religious. I don't believe.


However, further to my point if you had read what i wrote you would understand that i was saying that well educated, religious people don't believe in talking snakes either. The stories in the bible are not literal, they are metaphors. They are stories to get you to think about yourself. Like i said, "nothing is black and white".


What should I research pickle.???


Any subject you wish to discuss... before you start attacking people.

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I am always fascinated with ideologies, both political and religious, who think that their way and only their way is the right way and there way is to imprison and destroy lives. As a God botherer myself of the christian variety I am always reminded the best way to see if something is of God is whether it leads to life, or death. Since I can find no evidence of this herb ever killing anyone, but those who 'know' what is good for us, have killed countless millions, I know who I believe. This is just another brain washed clique of do-gooders who have been educated by the system of destruction because they are 'right' and we are 'wrong'. I don't blame them, I pray that the God they say they believe in sends someone that they can listen to and find out the facts, as was done to me. As the old book says in James 1:17 every good giving, and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the lights, with whom is no variation, or shadow of turning;

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