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Light raiser and 150mm centrifugal fan

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I have done a bit of a search and haven't been able to find to much about this stuff. Basically what I am after are the following items.


- Those retractable light raisers / lowerers

- A centrigugal fan (150mm/6" intake and outlet), made of metal, with some sort of mount allowing it to be fixed to a wall or similar


I'm having trouble finding such things at my local stores. If anyone knows of any shops in oz that sell these things, could you please let me know.


Thanks. lol

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flipster...  Ah haaaa,


found the fan I'm getting at http://underlights.com.au/default.php?cPath=41



Now, just need those retractor thingamebobs...


Do ya need one ? I take it you need to keep the light as closly &/or lower as possible ?


Can you rig up another means of raising ya light. My philosophy is ' I'm growing, I am the only one who knows, and I am the only one who is going to visit my room, there fore if it works keep it, if it dosn't fix it and ig it an't broke dont try to fix it.


I have the unsightly evidence and now it out.


post-5398-1140765363_thumb.jpg .post-5398-1140765408_thumb.jpg ;)


It works well. It's fully adjustable raises 5 - 6' and down to 12" form the floor.

Think scaled down if your height restricted.


If there is ever a comp for the most untidyest, low tec, manual simplicity GR I think I would give most a good run for tthe first prize. Pack of 10 seeds xpat ?


May be It's not anything what you looking for. :)

It works, It an't broke, It easy, I just love it in there .


Think simple flipster lol

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Yeah I know I should just go simple, but I am aiming for something very neat and close to (what I call) perfect. lol


I really should go the simple method but there's just something in me that can't/won't. Not sure how to explain it better.


You'll see the finished contraption at some stage, and the grow within. It may be bit of time away yet though. We'll see I guess.

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