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Another caught in Indonesia with pot...

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Indonesia Drug Arrest


An Australian woman has been arrested in Indonesia with a small amount of marijuana, and now faces a possible ten year sentence.


Barbera Higgs was arrested at the resort beach of Sengiggi on the island of Lombok, on sunday.


Police allegedly found 50 grams of cannabis and two bags of seed in her apartment.


The 43 year old hotel owner is the latest Australian to be charged under Indonesia's tough anti-drug laws.


Higgs has been visited by Foreign Affairs officials.

Source: Sky News Active , Austar Digital


I feel so sorry for this woman, sounds like she got rorted into buying seedy buds and then she got busted :thumbdown

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The message is out there DONT TOUCH DRUGS IN INDONESIA if you value your life or freedom. The airline terminals have huge signs warning people. If you want a holiday and do drugs go anywhere bar those fuked up countries its just not worth the risk.


i see your point and i will admit that i would go without bud in indonesia at all costs, but it would have been tempting as all hell and saying no would have been hard. So I feel for this woman's situation, plus it was like 2oz, thats just bullshit lol

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...if its seeded....how would you like to go to prison for 10 years for buying seedy bud?...
My understanding is that it was 50g of bud plus two bags of seeds.
...a country with such harsh penalties for westerners....
I saw this whole story on the Ten news last night and straight after the story was another one saying that Gary Glitter is on charges for the rape of a couple of underage girls in Vietnam and is facing 7 years of jail for it. So, the message from South-East asians is clear: they consider marijuana to be a bigger threat to them than someone raping their children and would rather you do the latter. If that doesn't show you how fucked up they are I don't know what does!


Don't go there. Don't do trade with them. Boycott Bali. lol

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Your right Paul aussies shouldn't holiday in Indonesia full stop...the majority of them hate us lol


and why not keep the tourist dollar at home where they wont blow you to bits


how many people can say they have seen all of Aust.?....we've got everthing they have, and more :reallyexcited:



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