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Howard hard line on marijuana

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Proffesor phelps on current affair said ," that illicit drugs dosnet even register on the radar compared with the health problems associated with alcohol and legal drugs " . "We see a number of problems with unsafe sex, poor judgment, which may lead to accidents, people stumbling in front of cars, throwing up, having stomach lining inflammation, getting into accidents, getting into fights or arguments, being assaulted, being raped. We can also see deaths from alcoholic poisoning," says Professor Phelps. Whats the worst a smoker will do ? get ya stoned ?? Edited by naturalmystic
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Proffesor phelps on current affair said ," that illicit drugs dosnet even register on the radar compared with the health problems associated with alcohol and legal drugs " . ::P:



yeah, thats what turned my head to look at the program....unbeleivable...well not really, I think weve all been pissed once or twice.... :)


I would like to see the exact same study done with pot smokers

( or even other drugs like , X-tc, acid, speed)

... I think the out come would shock world....


oh, so pot smokers dont carry on like pissed idiots...I see now...


let me just say, even on the most mind bending acid (micodots) while at the Royal Show, I didnt even lose it as much as being pissed..meaning I could still function fine....

Edited by SukonmiSkunk
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Its ludricrous that one night they can be making such a big issue about marujuanas health affects( oh thats right "hydro" ) and a few nights later they can get a proffessor that works in health care saying these things about legal drugs , where do these politicians get off ? The injustices dealt out to the smokers are becoming so obvious if i wasnt so pissed of id have to laugh, . We need a political body to represent all the smokers , fuck theyd be loosing some votes wouldnt they ?
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post-6986-1139788901_thumb.jpg (photo Chris Lane, Sydney Morning Herald)

Iemma, Howard and Bracks discuss toughening cannabis prohibition

10 February 2006:




I laugh at suggestions that people should have a free choice



Give me a swig of that; my drug is a-OK!

(Photos (Howard), (Iemma), (Wine) copyright. Captions my own.)

This all makes me wonder what the cotton-growing lobby in Aust is like...

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Proffesor phelps on current affair said ," that illicit drugs dosnet even register on the radar compared with the health problems associated with alcohol and legal drugs " .



Good lookin out fellas! :unsure: missed hearing her say that..


Now everytime we hear the weed - mental health epidemic propaganda...


And then there was that time doctor phelps said...


Or mj is the gateway drug bs...


But then there was that time prof phelps said...



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yeh good ol phelps , it was good timing given what was being said about pot at the time and still , http://aca.ninemsn.com.au/stories/2032.asp that link should work it hasnt got that quote that i mentioned above but it has this one by another proffesor ,"Alcohol is the most commonly abused drug in Australia. Professor Gordian Fulde is the head of emergency at St Vincents Hospital in Sydney. He sees more death and destruction from alcohol than any other kind of substance" theres a video link there too .
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