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Traffic Accident, Odor Leads To Drug Bust

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HARRISONVILLE, MO -- A suspicious accident and a powerful odor coming from the car led to a major drug bust Thursday.


It happened shortly after midnight on U.S. Highway 71 in Cass County after the driver of a green Ford fell asleep at the wheel and the car careened off the road.


Deputies roused the sleeping driver, who they identified as Kermit Gibbs, 41, of Kentucky.


Police said they found more than 100 pounds of pot stashed in his back hatch. The smell, they said, was overwhelming.


The marijuana was worth about $75,000.


Authorities said he may have been using some of it.


They admitted that luck played into the drug bust. They said if Gibbs hadn't fallen asleep, he'd have driven through the county.


He was being held in the Cass County jail on Thursday night.


"I can't remember any time in the last decade recovering 100 pounds of marijuana here in this county," said Chris Koster, the Cass County prosecutor.


Gibbs could face 10 to 30 years on the marijuana charges and 5 to 15 on some methamphetamine authorities said they found in his pocket.


They didn't believe the drugs were meant to stay in Cass County. They said they thought Gibbs was trying to get back to Kentucky.



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Coppers in Australia have the right to search a premises based on smell. They can also search a car at a stop if they smell anything. A can of air freshner might save you a stay a at her majesties request (at taxpayers expense.) Also when your crop is ripening up invest in a charcoal filter or ozone generator.
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Coppers in Australia have the right to search a premises based on smell. They can also search a car at a stop if they smell anything.


They don't even have to smell anything or give a reason for searching your vehicle if they don't want too, but if the mj is on your person then they have to arrest you to carry out a search and they need a good reason for that so small amounts travel in my pocket (no sniffer dogs here).



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They don't even have to smell anything or give a reason for searching your vehicle if they don't want too, but if the mj is on your person then they have to arrest you to carry out a search and they need a good reason for that so small amounts travel in my pocket (no sniffer dogs here).



The coppers have to have reasonable grounds to suspect crimminal activity in order to conduct a search. They cant just search people randomly. They may not give a reason for it on the spot any copper I have ever questioned in any way shape or form has always had a fucking big attitude but in court in front of a good judge they must show reasonable grounds. Problem is that most coppers know that if someone is up to something they wont say anything they will cop it sweet. Also in America if the coppers do an illegal search the evidence found no matter how compelling is thrown out in Australia if the evidence is strong enough the evidence can be accepted in court. I know this contradicts what I said at the start of this but thats the law. Fuck the system before it fucks you.

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