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nitrozyme - any good

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anyone use nitrozyme in the veg process? if so, was it worth the money. and at what dose dig you use it? either added to tank or foliar.


read this somewhere and it caught my attention


Nitrozyme - The Growth Enhancer

Nitrozyme is the centrepiece of the applications that we are suggesting and we can certainly recommend this extraordinary plant extract to all growers. It has been used commercially for a number of years and has demonstrated the capacity to increase yields time and time again. It is the basis of growth enhancement and should be used in all the early stages of plant growth, especially young clones. Nitrozyme should not be sprayed on plants in flower.


Nitrozyme contains highly concentrated cytokinic hormones extracted from a North Atlantic sea plant Ascophylum Nodosum. This plant lives in an environment of extreme temperature variation which helps explain the extraordinary level of hormones it produces. Cytokinins are hormones whose action occurs in the processes of cell division and cell enlargement. Hydroponic systems are prone to levels of stress that may not be visible to the grower but may greatly reduce the plants ability to produce the hormones that it needs for the vital processes of nutrient uptake and distribution, cell division, root development and the production of flowers and fruit. This means that many plants in hydroponic systems are achieving much lower yields than they are capable of. Nitrozyme can be added to hydroponic nutrient solutions to restore the hormone levels in the plant.


Nitrozyme can also be supplied to the plant through its foliage to increase the hormone availability still further. In many crops, and in many trials conducted, the application of Nitrozyme has increased yields by very significant percentages. Soil grown plants are also subject to various levels of stress and in most cases are not performing to their best potential. Nitrozyme restores and enhances the interaction between soil and roots, increasing vigour and improving yields.


Nitrozyme also contains powerful natural growth enhancers, exotic micro nutrients and bio-stimulants. The high concentration of these biological agents will potentiate the growth process of the plant, with specific advantage to its current stage of growth. Nitrozyme is very highly concentrated and comes from natural sources. It is non toxic and poses no environmental hazards.


In a recent trial at the Ottawa Research Station in Canada seedling plants were treated with Nitrozyme throughout their growth and performance was compared with an untreated control group . The Nitrozyme treated sample was shown to be clearly superior in all stages of growth. Germination rate was better by 44%, young plants had 57% more leaves and time to flowering was reduced by five days. Trials of this type have been conducted on numerous crops and the results are truly remarkable.

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i'm giveing it a go first bottle down at 35$ for 200ml

i dose the plants at 1ml per leter in a recileing system

i have two system for testing this stuff but it cost a bit to play around

with now so i'll be back to this post :scratchin

but as for addives super thrive wicked stuff :thumbsup

Edited by shroomz
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I did use this once on a job where it was supplied, personally i dont think its worth it...but i used it on all plants and could not compare the results agianst plants that didnt have it

were are talking about a weed here, you know it gets great results on a very basic diet really

there's always someone trying to sell snake oil :pimp

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Enzymes are catalysts that speed processes up. Why is this a zyme product at all if not to cash in on the products before it that did contain enzymes.


Hormones NO.


Want enzymes in your grow free of charge study bio-buckets and learn about beneficial bacteria.


It will take a while but many hydro growers will be using bacteria and the enzyme populations it supports before long, basically it's dirt organics in hydro, just fairly new area of MJ growing.


Want better pot?






Those 3 factors will make all the difference.

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"Nitrozyme restores and enhances the interaction between soil and roots"


And that right there, he's talking about bio-fields and film. This is bacteria, you've got some in your eyes nose mouth ass etc. If there's moisture there's bacteria. But no - this guys found himself a seaweed that only grows in North Atlantic......


Best of luck I'll continue to try smash the dumb stoner stereotype and get educated on what I put in my grows. ;)


"also contains powerful natural growth enhancers, exotic micro nutrients and bio-stimulants" - pffft.


Snake oil!


and this..... "The Nitrozyme treated sample was shown to be clearly superior in all stages of growth. Germination rate was better by 44%, young plants had 57% more leaves and time to flowering was reduced by five days. Trials of this type have been conducted on numerous crops and the results are truly remarkable"


Put two seedlings down, water one from your fish tank, the other from water. SEE the difference in 2 days.


It's bacteria, bacterial enzymes, protozoa, zooplantkton, single celled algae and protists etc etc - But NO - you need a north atlantic seaweed extract to do the jobs allocated to these little guys.


This is a 5 week old plant with a bud top 8 inches wide Do better with that product I'll listen, I read the hype, I've read it all before...



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Yes I do it's aquaponics. I was obnoxious and opinionated this morning my apologies.


I just see folk spend so much cash :o but I guess I put a fair investment of time into what I do. Also if you have the cash and the product works, who am I to be so jumped up about it ;)


Some of these products are good and some are rubbish, I should use the stuff then give an opinion. I could be missing something good myself.


Bacteria and enzymes are what makes good organic soil grows so sweet. Conventional hydroponics makes grows so ...FAST


Aquaponics is organic hydro, the best of both worlds.


I'll try get a link in my sig for you <= computer tard. ;)

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