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Yet another hard line on drugs NSW

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What id like to know is , does this mean if you grow in soil under a light wether itl be the same charges ? Do other people here agree with the theory that pot is stronger when grown in hydro ?? Because in my experience of growing and smoking it could often be said the opposite is true , how many times have you smoked hydro and its lovely smell flavour and the stone only last for maybe an hour ( i know this isnt true generally but ) and then you smoke some good outdoor sinsimella that leaves you wacked for hours after greening out , or you grow the same clone that comes of wat eva strain northern lights etc and the fucking things just as potent grown outdoor if not better ??
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Because in my experience of growing and smoking it could often be said the opposite is true , how many times have you smoked hydro and its lovely smell flavour and the stone only last for maybe an hour ( i know this isnt true generally but ) and then you smoke some good outdoor sinsimella that leaves you wacked for hours after greening out


some of the best buds i have ever smoked were grown outdoors and i agree that the high generally lasts alot longer, but am also going to add that the high is generally more clean feeling and you usually dont get a nasty coming down :thumbsup


i made sure to mention that in my email to morris as well, i said something along the lines of the most potent and physcoactive strains known to man generally come from the haze family which is almost pointless to grow indoors as it can take 16+ weeks to flower in alot of cases...

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Don't tell him that WDC, they might outlaw the Haze Strain now! lol


It's as ridiculous as the UK trying to re-classifying skunk saying it's a more serious threat than other strains. Hydro, is no different to outdoors, except it uses chemicals and often restricts natural growing conditions (root space, often C02, sunlight, etc).

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Don't know about NSW, but in Adelaide anything under light is considered hydro, and hence illegal, 1 plant outdoors in soil is only a fine, no conviction.


So what it boils down to is that your growing under a light bulb haha , i think there realising how much money the bigger growers are making , the cops are coming across more indoor crops through accidents etc and realise there impossible to police , the whole things a diversion . Oh well outdoor will have to do either that or im moving s.a. i hear they grow outdoor hybrid clones that are getting up to 2 pounds +a plant , maximise the grow .SOG becomes your worst nightmare .

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Discouraging higher purity in drugs because they're considered as more dangerous is one of the most ludicrous aspects to this drug war. How is stronger cannabis more dangerous than weaker cannabis when it’s just more of the same chemical? By having bush attract smaller penalties they are saying that bush is safer. How does having less density of THC per unit mass of plant matter make the substance itself safer? Wouldn’t a user just smoke more of the weaker cannabis to get the same effect? Seeing as it’s better to smoke less than more wouldn’t this make the stronger weed, in fact, safer? lol


On the one hand they say that it’s long term use that increases likelihood of psychosis developing, then, here’s what Mental Health Issues Minister Cherie Burton said (Weed Out Hydroponics, The Border Mail, Saturday, February 4, 2006): "one smoke of the hydroponic cannabis could bring on a mental illness". Didn’t they read the “talking points” sheet handed out at prohibition-central? If there going to lie you’d think they’d at least take the time to get their story straight. :lol:

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i made sure to mention that in my email to morris as well, i said something along the lines of the most potent and physcoactive strains known to man generally come from the haze








You just don't know when to keep your big mouth shut, do ya WDC? :shy: :lol: :P


:smoke lol

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