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Superninja's aerocloning

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Hey cool thread eikel


I tried water rooting and found it worked like yourself. But now I think this is the best way. They don't come lazier than me but even I managed to knock this up...


I got an ice cream container, punched about a dozen holes in the lid with the end of a (geometry) compass. I wiggled it around to open holes enough to allow stem with small root nodes to slip back out.


Then I made another hole just large enough to fit the airline from an aquariun pump through in the corner. I slipped the airline through and then attached the airstone.

Now it takes longer to write this up than make it. And it works like a motherfucker. The clones just rest on their lowest leaf stems, which remain rigid enough to support the small weight.


If you add enough of your preferred rooting solution to cover the airstone the right amount, yet NOT enough to submerge the roots (just realised it's more an aero rooting set up, but anyway, nearly finished) you'll get a superfine mist of tiny exploding goodness laden bubbles that keep the stems all perfectly supplied with water, dilute nutes, and most importantly I believe, oxygen. Not only are the developing roots never fully submerged in water or restricted by rockwool, super high oygen supply is delivered constantly and directly.


The dark blue plastic container and lid keep the low intensity flouro light out and you can temp control the rootzone by partially floating the tub(s) in a small fish tank or similar with a small aquarium heater in about 4 - 6 inches of water.


I've yet to see one so much as wilt or bend mate. They stay upright like they're trying to reach for light, which I think indicates a need for some nutes as the roots are starting to develop and work straight away in a root friendly environment and now it wants to begin a bit of photosynthesis and grow.


Anyway, point is dead simple and works unreal. None of this is concrete, researched, textbook stuff as such, just some observations of my own experiments with cloning. I found it the best for me...

So what do you reckon? Hope it's not off topic.

Peace all :)


EDIT : Oh yeah, and of course clonex.

Edited by superninja
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Hey Superninja, thanks very much. I've done a few different cloning styles myself and this is the least effort to maximum output I've found lol


Anyway, point is dead simple and works unreal.  None of this is concrete, researched, textbook stuff as such, just some observations of my own experiments with cloning. I found it the best for me...

So what do you reckon? Hope it's not off topic.

Peace all :)


EDIT : Oh yeah, and of course clonex.


Not off topic at all, I reckon... What you describe is a mini aero/bubbling cloner - exactly what I said I didn't want to build one of ::):


In any case - with an aero/bubbling cloner I still haven't seen anyone post clones as developed as my water cloning technique at the same age - aero clones seem to need alot more time to "adjust" to their new medium after being moved, water clones don't have as big root masses as quickly and thusly adjust much faster to new medium(s).


Don't need clonex for my water-clone technique, only worthwhile over seasol for the fungicide contained in it which is not needed when rooting is commenced under water B)

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Hey Eikel

I know you didn't want to build one but you indicated it was cos you're lazy so I figured you may not have considered such a simple, easy, lazy-friendly set up. I'm like carpet on valium, but fuck, 30 secs? Man you must be laziness incarnate. ::):

Interesting point about the smaller roots and hence better adjustment. why do you think this is? less damage to root structure at transplant maybe? I thought that the smaller root mass would require a little catch up time to slightly more established roots, as with more developed roots and root hairs, etc wouldn't they be ready to metabolise more nutrient more efficiently pretty much as soon as they're in the medium? How do the ones with smaller root structure kick off / start metabolising faster or better than ones that would appear to be better equiped for some rapid uptake?



LATE EDIT - where you say "water clones don't have as big root masses as quickly and thusly adjust much faster to new medium(s)." you agree that the roots start developing quicker in aero, so if too much root development causes you problems, why not transplant them even SOONER (when roots are starting to show as tiny white bumps) and get an even BETTER headstart than water clones?

lol Don't mean to sound beligerant but why do you think it is that you've found more developed roots to require more adjustment? I'm just thinking that anything involving pH, EC or osmosis and the like, such as root environment, even my fishtank water, etc, tends to benefit from the buffering effect of sheer volume and hence wouldn't sensitive new roots be more likely to be adversly affected by any slight changes than seemingly hardier more developed ones? :scratchin

Edited by superninja
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LATE EDIT - where you say "water clones don't have as big root masses as quickly and thusly adjust much faster to new medium(s)." you agree that the roots start developing quicker in aero, so if too much root development causes you problems, why not transplant them even SOONER (when roots are starting to show as tiny white bumps) and get an even BETTER headstart than water clones?


Because bang for buck, aero cloning is nowhere nearly as simple or efficient as water-cloning, it may be better suited to high-volume cloning, but that's not what I'm after. I disagree that Aero will give me a better results for my requirements.


:) Don't mean to sound beligerant but why do you think it is that you've found more developed roots to require more adjustment? I'm just thinking that anything involving pH, EC or osmosis and the like, such as root environment, even my fishtank water, etc, tends to benefit from the buffering effect of sheer volume and hence wouldn't sensitive new roots be more likely to be adversly affected by any slight changes than seemingly hardier more developed ones? :scratchin


If you are transferring clones to DWC, aero cloning is probably great for you, if you transfer clones into soil watch them stunt while the roots cope with comparitive lack of oxygen. Water-clones are rooted in a pretty much completely anerobic environment (excepting water changes), anerobic->aerobic works easy, the other way around not so. In addition to this each clone can be isolated in a seperate glass where aero-cloners are typically "batch" processes - get a bug in a clone and watch your whole system get infected, submerging stems in water means the bacteria generally colonising aero-cloning systems can't survive due to anerobic conditions.


If you'd like to write a thread on the benefits of aero-cloning please do so, the more information/tutorials we have the better (not that there'a aren't already 121213141 aero-cloning/bubbling threads in the forums already). But please stop distrupting a thread about water-cloning with debate about your own system, start a seperate topic for it, don't hijack a pinned one.



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:(, first I asked if you thought it was off topic and you replied no. Now it is. FMD make your mind up. (All this time I assumed you were a bloke). Tripper ;).

I won't "hijack" your topics anymore 'cos you seem less interested in a discussion or debate than you are in just getting your point across. I think you consider your posts as the final word on whatever your chosen topic is. Claims to the effect of "my mum is the best behavioural psychologist in the world and therefore I must know more about it than anyone here" (which is pretty much what you implied in another thread ;)) sound, what's that word for contemptuous but like more "up yourself"? Oh yeah, supercilious. I think that's it.

Anyway, just quickly,

If you are transferring clones to DWC, aero cloning is probably great for you, if you transfer clones into soil watch them stunt while the roots cope with comparitive lack of oxygen.

No and No. Soil? :)

Water-clones are rooted in a pretty much completely anerobic environment (excepting water changes), anerobic->aerobic works easy, the other way around not so. In addition to this each clone can be isolated  in a seperate glass where aero-cloners are typically "batch" processes - get a bug in a clone and watch your whole system get infected, submerging stems in water means the bacteria generally colonising aero-cloning systems can't survive due to anerobic conditions.

Well you gotta set the world straight mate. Everything I've ever read (granted I'm no psychologists child with the given supreme intellect, but I can read) says categorically that an aerobic root environment promotes beneficial bacteria whilst an anerobic one promotes the nasty ones. But hey, that's just csiro and lay people like that giving out that info. morons. I wonder what their folks do? :)

Based on the general aerobic - good / anerobic - bad thing, I asked you to explain your theory, that's all. And you say "submerging stems in water means the bacteria generally colonising aero-cloning systems can't survive due to anerobic conditions".

OK then.

If you'd like to write a thread on the benefits of aero-cloning please do so, the more information/tutorials we have the better (not that there'a aren't already 121213141 aero-cloning/bubbling threads in the forums already). But please stop distrupting a thread about water-cloning with debate about your own system, start a seperate topic for it, don't hijack a pinned one.



Well if there's that many threads, theres hardly a need for another. Besides you would no doubt provide a more insightful and inspiring thread on the topic.

lol alright Eikel, I won"t "hijack" your precious thread anymore. I'll leave you to bask in your own magnificence and await the awed and grateful response of someone who'll hang on your every profound and enlightened word.

Oh you spelt "God" wrong in your avatar B). knob ::):

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Fair enough mate - so don't use the technique!


Not gonna Mod you, but I think someone else will because crap in pinned threads is just annoying - essentially you asked if I had thought about aero-cloning, I had, and did, and prefer to water-clone, you may not agree. You were asked by me to contribute something positive and you just continually antagonise, enjoy your time at OSA :)



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:) alright Eikel, I won"t "hijack" your precious thread anymore.

You just did you Knob


I'll leave you to bask in your own magnificence and await the awed and grateful response of someone who'll hang on your every profound and enlightened word.

Isn't that the reason for your post? To try and prove you know more than a hang on, what did you call him 'supercilious' Eikel.


You know what I call people like you? a 'Hypocrite', cause if you really didn't care mate you would not have replied to show how smart YOU are.


Perhaps we could compare your results in the numerous grow diaries you have published here? :reallyexcited:

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Well, I for one hate cloning period

So my next experiment will be with tissue


But in the meantime, ninjabutt should just say thanks for taking the time to share yer methods, Eik, and give you a thumbs up, then started a thread with HIS method(s) and waited for you to say "Thumbs up dude" and we'd be finished.


Won't change my ways yet, but I do appreciate it when someone takes the time to explain how they do their methods...helps me maybe adapt SOME of it into MY methods, to improve it....

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