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My New Agung!!

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Hey guys, sitting here bored taking pics and thought i'd post one of my new bong. Its actually not that new, ive had it since just before christmas, but compared to others ive had, its still new to me :). Cost me around $60 from a tobacconist. He wanted $75 for it, but cos it was christmas he let me have it on the cheap :thumbsup


He even threw in a big packet of nag champa (BEAUT incense if anyones into that stuff lol ) for free :P


Probably still paid a bit too much, but I like it, and we all pay too much for the things we like dont we :whistling


The only thing I'm not real sure I like is the weird resin-stained colour around the top and where the shotty is :thumbdown It seems to be blown into the glass when it was made or something :scratchin


Its really weird, cos you look at it from one angle and it looks one colour, and then you look again and its totally different. Definitely gets people talking when they see it though.








This last one is just one i already had uploaded, its a little embarassing ;) Its my first attempt at a plant, It started to hermie and the top leaves all got burnt so she got the rip. But ah well, here she/he is just before i chopped it (sorry if plants arent allowed in this section):




There ya go :thumbsup





EDIT: ARGH!!! smiley overload!! i have to remove some ;)..

EDIT2: Sorry the pics are bloody huge!!

Edited by nugget23
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