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MP wants all dope smokers convicted

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This is disgusting.

I read some where in a post on here, and I happen to agree with that particular post, MJ doesnt give people mental problems it just brings to the surface what problems are already there....... so I guess the thing is if these people smoke pot then we can detect if there is a problem a lot earlier and address the problem. Thats a good thing.


Pot use is a way of life, and while I am sure there are poeple who abuse the use of this HERB, and misrepresenting its herbal qualites, the majority of pot smokers are just not like that. We are usually a passive breed, we dont rob, bash and intimitate people, we are an easy going sort who really dont want for much, just be left alone to enjoy a better quality of life, with a better quality of people.


The only side affect I can see from using MJ is, the FACT that MY government wishes to lock ME in jail and sell of MY megre assets if I am caught with my hydroponic setup. lol I am glad I pay taxes and vote lol


the thought of being thrown in jail in the GREATEST state on EARTH for a rediculas law is just mind boggling. Every study shows that MJ being ILLEGAL causes more problems and the fact that if THIS DICKHEAD gets his way then more of SA's (MY)tax dollars are going towards busting people. I dont like that :P


Well, they will need to raise taxes, they have already closed hospitals and schools for lack of tax dollars, slowly but surely, the GREATEST state on earth is becoming more like NAZI america every day.....



I didnt realise ADELAIDE was on sale to america as well,



FUCK RANN :gun2:

FUCK BUSH :gun2:


it annoys me that my favourite hobby and passtime( which I really think keeps me OUT of trouble) is being fucked up by people who have never even smoked the herb......



Marijuana is NOT a DRUG.................its a fucking HERB.....and has more uses medically and industrially that ANY other substance......


may be that is why it is illegal.........

Edited by SukonmiSkunk
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