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does stressing the plant at the end increase yield

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Or split the stem and put a lump of opium in there..(THIA STICKS OR BUDDA)


LK, mate, have you ever done this? Or is it second-hand info?


Just curious, because it's technially an AWFUL thing to do to the plants, but I've been suprised before with MJ's strange cultivation by growers.

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Or split the stem and put a lump of opium in there..(THIA STICKS OR BUDDA)


LK, mate, have you ever done this? Or is it second-hand info?


Just curious, because it's technially an AWFUL thing to do to the plants, but I've been suprised before with MJ's strange cultivation by growers.

The old days most weed was MILD,,,,,,,,,,People did heaps of wierd shit to it to turn it in to POWER, (sell it easy)..........AFGANY,,,PAKISTAN,,,THIA and so on all had the potent hash or sticks or oil,(THEY WERE THE PLACES THAT HAD ALL THE HERION AND OPIUM TO?????????)Ever here of OPIATED SENSAMILLA)....Sorry about my spelling................Did you ever hear of SUPER WEED in the 70s 80s,,they had to burn the first crop and grow from the seeds in it,,,,,,,,,,One fence jumper got some off it,,,,,He was never the same,,,,,,,He Ended up stabbing his 16 year old girlfriend about 20 times to death,,,,,,,,,Pumpt a old lady up the butt,,,,,cutt up some blokes staffy and heaps of wierd shit,,,,,,,,,,,

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Did you ever hear of SUPER WEED in the 70s 80s,,they had to burn the first crop and grow from the seeds in it,,,,,,,,,,One fence jumper got some off it,,,,,He was never the same,,,,,,,He Ended up stabbing his 16 year old girlfriend about 20 times to death,,,,,,,,,Pumpt a old lady up the butt,,,,,cutt up some  blokes staffy and heaps of wierd shit,,,,,,,,,,,


Never heard of "Super Weed", but if it was in that timeframe, not suprising because I wasn't born until 1980 ;)


I dunno if your example was meant to excite or frighten me? I like my potent weed making me tired and relaxed and thoughtful, not psychotic.

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this "super weed" is real.....ish


its a Colchicine treatment, and is highly poisonuos, plants treated cant be smoked and the seeds must be grown out and re seeded.... to get smokable pot. What it does is turns a diploid strain into a polyploid strain creating multiple sets of chromosomes in the one cell....

heres a link..... too much for me to explain...




chapter 3, genetics and breeding.. scroll down a little bit(about an inch) to get to POLYPLOIDY.... an interesting read.... a must for any grower...

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im not sure that they produced more 'resin'. the only thing i noticed is the time i forgot to feed them for the last 3 days and the medium totally dried out (rockwool) and they wilted, the YIELD by weight was the best ever. thats why i thought perhaps it was due to increased resin production. or perhaps it was just a great grow, but it wasnt the best grow as it had pythium (slightly) and still created a record yield. go figure
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I would have been more to do with your growing technique/practices or even strain selection up until that point, rather than starving the plant for water or nutes which resulted in higher yeilds. If anything that may have resulted in an insignificant drop in yeild due to excessive stress.




The old timers put a nail through the stem for STRESS needs


That's a silly and harmful practice with little beneficial effect, and if anything it would be harmful. It can be used in some plants like trees as a source of iron or copper, but it's generally better to just fertilise your plants with a good quality nutrient rather than stressing the crap out of it. It would be like saying you've got a low iron level in your blood so a good way to increase it would be to stick an iron bar in your arm in the hope that small amounts of it will travel through your bloodstream. A better way to go, as well as far safer and less painful, would be to just eat more iron in your diet.


And as to Colchicine treated plants.... well... sukonmi said it well, they're realish. It isn't really a practical method of increasing yeild MJ's case, as they're very (read almost always) likely to revert to the diploid condition quite quickly and if there was any benefit to them it would likely be in plant vigour and individual calyx size rather than potency. As to the poison factor, I'm yet to actually see anything which shows that seed treated with colchicine develops into plants with significant if any levels of colchicine in them. Colchicine is indeed a very poisonous substance, and I wouldn't screw around with it if you don't know exactly what you're doing. I grow orchids which are often converted to tetraploid and triploid in mericloning and seed sowing, but I've yet to hear about the levels of colchicine being anything significant in the adult plants.


End result, I would suggest growing plants with as little stress as possible to get the best yeilds and potency from your genetic potential.




One fence jumper got some off it,,,,,He was never the same,,,,,,,He Ended up stabbing his 16 year old girlfriend about 20 times to death,,,,,,,,,Pumpt a old lady up the butt,,,,,cutt up some blokes staffy and heaps of wierd shit,,,,,,,,,,,


That sounds like drug war propaganda rather than anything factual. ;)


I am in hydro so continuos watering isnt really too bad.. only for a night, over a week it might cause mold probs


Mould in the leaves/buds, yes, but in the rootsystem it could certainly have an effect on pathogenic fungus germination, as well as drowning the rootzone where most of the oxygen a plant requires is absorbed. Perlite is pretty good for aeration though even when continually watered, so you could get away with it, but it wouldn't do you any favours.


how ever a warm enviroment is known to increase THC production.. this is fact


I think they're saying it's got more to do with UV exposure no? Heat may well increase production, as a result of the increase of enzymatic rates, but stressing plants with too much heat and not enough water would likely decrease said production due to the plants simply attempting to survive.


Check out this thread about THC synthesis, it's got a link in there with something a bit more recent. ;)



as for unplugging the pump, this has to be done, no water in the heart...my pump is on a timer... I dont know about yours... I dont want it running dry...


So your pump moves out so much water that the returning water doesn't get back in time to keep enough in the reservoir to recirculate? Or are you using run to waste?


You could certainly pulse flush, or even just shut off the pump and use a watering can until the water coming out is about the same as the water going in....


In the end I guess I agree with your flushing in the last week of flower, that's a pretty standard operation which many use. There are some pretty solid arguments against it though..... Weekly/fornightly flushing for excessive salt buildup doesn't need to be a 2 day process though, it can be done in as little as a 1/2 hr and then the plants can be returned to a normal feeding schedule..... The kind of flush schedule you've outlined seems to be a little overkill and adds up to several days of time where the plants aren't getting nutrients.


the plant sweating theory was told to me years ago by a botanist who owned the hydro shop I used to goto, he was full of useful crap like that.. he was the one who put me onto the soda water trick too (Co2).

beleive me I quized him on this shit on a daily basis nearly, a lot of what he said makes a lot of sense...


I have to say he's a pretty shitty botanist if he doesn't know what transpiration is and doesn't understand the nature of plant cooling....


Things can make sense and still be wrong. The earth being flat is a good example of this. ;)


they may not sweat pursay, but most definately increase in crystals, something to do with the heat... the sweat thing was good explination I thought..;)


Increase in trichomes would be more an action of regular cannabinoid biosynthesis. The fact is we don't actually know why MJ produces these oils. They could be a defence mechanism, they could be a method of stopping insect pests, it could just be a mutation which has been selectively bred by humans over thousands of years which had no apparent use for the plants but which people found desirable, for obvious reasons.


Increasing temps may well increase cannabinoid production, to a point, but waterstressing plants wouldn't. It would just make them stressed.


increased resin production most certainly will increase yeild


Not really, it just increases potency. Yeild is a factor of plant matter, not trichomes. The weight of trichomes/resin in the final product is usually somewhere between 2-15% when properly cured and dried. A minimal difference in this would make a minimal difference to yeild. True gains in yeild are acheived though increasing plant size and health, thus increasing flower production, which in turn would increase TOTAL trichome yeild, but not %.


In my humblest of opinions of course, and no offence is intended to anyone. :whistling

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