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strange taste from bongs rubber base

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Yeh I just let it soak in a lil watered down metho n added a few drops of vanilla essence great idea WDC tastes awesome now. i should have worded my other post better it sounds like I tasted the rubber base :peace: . Yeh I should have asked for the money but this one is 100 times better than my ceramic I can actually see how dirty it gets. when the ceramic one broke he opened it up and it was so filthy. Anyway thanks for your help.



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Yeh I just let it soak in a lil watered down metho n added a few drops of vanilla essence great idea WDC tastes awesome now. i should have worded my other post better it sounds like I tasted the rubber base :peace: . Yeh I should have asked for the money but this one is 100 times better than my ceramic I can actually see how dirty it gets. when the ceramic one broke he opened it up and it was so filthy. Anyway thanks for your help.




glad your bong is finally tasting good :thumbsup

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