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strange taste from bongs rubber base

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This is the situation, I let a mate borrow my cermaic cos I thought I wouldnt need it for a while but he cracked it n bought me this pyrex (i think, it says pyrex so I assume it is one) any way it has this rubber base that really smells and tastes like shit. Anyone know how to get rid of the smell and taste without changing the base (got I aint much of a tools man) and do all pyrex have this rubber base or is mine a fake :peace:. It reminds me of this gas that I got used on me YEARS ago to put me asleep b4 I got my tonsils out (I think its called sleeping gas), it basically smelt like burning tyres n hated any rubber smell since then so any help would make me real happy.



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you really shouldnt be eating the bases of your bongs, i would think they would definitely taste like shit :peace:


Seriously, I have a pyrex bong (Agung) and it doesnt smell or make the smoke taste different at all. On the bottom rim of the base it says something along the lines of 'Agung trading co' or something like that.


edit: If one of my mates broke my bong, i'd be making him give me the $$$ so i could choose one that I liked!!

Edited by nugget23
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If one of my mates broke my bong, i'd be making him give me the $$$ so i could choose one that I liked!!


i would make them buy me the exact same bong i had before or give me the retail amount so i could go out and buy it....on the bright side, when a friend breaks your bong you have someone to go off at, when you break it yourself, you can only bow your head in shame :thumbdown


to get rid of the smell, i suggest leaving metho in the bottom of the bong for a few hours or over night and after a really good rinse, if the smell is still there, a few drops of vanilla essence always make a clean bong smell good :smoke

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metho will probally soften the rubber, i too have a cheep plastic billy that smells abit compared to the agung i also have more than likely just cheeper rubber, id try bleach or citro clean or even weak peroxide to clean but i dare say that your stuck with it . maby you can use the rubber off your old ceramic.
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usually with the pyrex bongs with the rubber bottoms, if you remove the rubber, the bong is fucked unless you can completely reseal it totally water tight  :thumbdown



lmao I did that exact thing with a new bong two nights ago. Gave it a wash, went to put it all back together. pushed bottom on. bottom falls off. push bottom back on. bottom falls off. i nearly went silly cos i thought i'd wasted 60 bucks on a piece of shit untill i dried it all off and tried again. no probs this time round :peace:

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