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..Exclusive: Pictures Reveal Inside of drug cave

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Old topic, bought just let you all know that the mastermind of that grow operation, Fred Strunk, got 18 years in the house, most of that for money laundering.. Sucks.. And he's like 65 or something like that.. His two "employees" agreed to testify against him also.


They made the mistake of splicing into some large power cables to steal power. Oops. He also had to pay 60,000 dollars also for the stolen electricity, haha.


Still think underground growing can be the way to go,, just make sure you have a reliabe power source that isn't suspicious.


I'm Siamese Cat, by the way, living in Thailand. Good to meet you all..

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Aye carumba ! But the plants do look like SHIT sativas and durdah the STUPID DOPE stole electricity,the fucker can afford to set this up and he gyps on the electricity ,obviously you couldn't use mains for this but why oh why did he not use a diesel generator and vent the exhaust up through the houses sewer stink pipe? Dumb fucks lol

I wonder if they vented heat and humidity and aroma up the stink pipe? Or did they do it another way? What do you all think? ::(:

Edited by Jess Stone
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