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hmm, one that i have been told a while back now, was that on the main stem, where each set of branches pops out (sorry i dont know the correct terminology), there are two little hairs/thingy's pointing out.  Now if they are crossed, the plant must be female, because females always cross their legs.  lol


This is partly true but the other way around.

If the hairy thingies are wide apart, its a female cuz females like to OPEN their legs and when sexing a plant using this method its a good idea to take note of the odour.....if it has a slight fishy smell at the site of the wide apart hairy thingies then its definately a female :peace:

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This is partly true but the other way around.

If the hairy thingies are wide apart,  its a female cuz females like to OPEN their legs and when sexing a plant using this method its a good idea to take note of the odour.....if it has a slight fishy smell at the site of the wide apart hairy thingies then its definately a female lol





truth be told, those hairs dont determine anything :peace:

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:lol: One classic, helping out my cousin with her first grow and she kept going on about putting pineapple juice in the res before harvest, to make them smell/taste sweeter :) She did it one night against my advice, harvested a couple of days later. Didn't make much difference I thought anyway :peace:
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yeah i heard a few storys like those heaps of ppl that dont understand plants at all say you should try this its making them grow fast and the plantis in a pot to small in the wrong medium or dirt with a completly wrong ph and think they are a sum sort of pro growerer and im thinkin your got know fkn idea and thinking they dont need to water them i just :peace: my head of if only they seen mine but im not as stuipid ta tellor show ppl
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hmm, one that i have been told a while back now, was that on the main stem, where each set of branches pops out (sorry i dont know the correct terminology), there are two little hairs/thingy's pointing out.  Now if they are crossed, the plant must be female, because females always cross their legs.  :peace:


If the hair/thingy's were pointing straight out, or up even, without crossing over each other, then they must be fellas, cos fellas sit with their legs apart. 


lol  ::):


edit: pot + keyboard = bad spelling


Whoever told you that is a fucking idiot

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One you'd all have heard is graft it to tommys... aww bugga that just leave it on the plant.


Another I've heard proposed before, usually said like this ...


"Man! I've worked it out!! I'll pot them up, then hoist the pots up into those trees for the outdoor season... yeah!!!"


:peace: "what about the - deep breath - hassle to water, prune, work on; the wind, and did I mention the wind, neighbours wondering why you're always climbing those trees, whose gonna water in the event of leg breakage; copper chopper positive id on 'pot decorated trees'?? etc etc.."


But I've heard it said by more than one new grower. ::): Yeah.. go for it lol

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"Man! I've worked it out!! I'll pot them up, then hoist the pots up into those trees for the outdoor season... yeah!!!"


i have grown mj in trees before, sure they were in 1L pots and only up there for 2 weeks but thats besides the point :peace: but yeah i see your point, you'd need a mad pulley system to get a huge pot of soil + plant up a tree and then you have all the maintainance of the plants which would be a total cunt :thumbdown i reckon it would just be easier to dig a 15ft square hole for the plant lol

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