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I can’t count the number of ridiculous stories that I have heard from people (usually at a party or pub after a few beers), or read on grow forums about this mysterious grower-friend and their even more mysterious growing methods.

Common tall tales include the dude that has 50 (or more!) eight foot tall Christmas trees in his basement (anyone with 50+ plants would keep their mouth shut).

Or the bloke who hangs his plants or buds upside down so that "the resins would 'drain' into the buds"….. (resins don't 'drain', period).

Or their friend who sprays their buds with (pick one)… water, assorted fruit juices, semen, dissolved contraceptive pills, piss from an ovulating girlfriend or anything else in an attempt to give them crystals or make them grow faster, grow bigger and look, taste or smell better.

Driving nails into the lower parts of the plant is another gem.


My personal favorite is the amazingly common story that someone is actually growing their plants upside-down… buckets in the air, lights on the ground…… ::D: ::D: ahhh..whatever.

For the average Joe Blow who just dreams of growing free smoke, or maybe slightly bigger dreams of quarters and pounds :shy: , these kinds of stories are misleading and represent total ignorance, whether or not they are remotely based on truth.


If your serious about wanting to grow some weed of your own, there are many good books available for purchase even here on Ozstoners that will put you on the right path to a successful first time grow if you follow the instructions carefully... (and no, this is not an advertisement)

But having been a member of many MJ related boards over many years, I’ve come to the conclusion that a lot of questionable advise is given by some members who haven’t grown up, let alone grown any marijuana…plenty of Google, copy and paste but no real hands on experience.


There’s nothing worse than seeing your dreams and effort go down the drain because some dude advised you to beat the fuck out of your plants with a tennis racquet to make them big and strong.


Marijuana is a weed and will thrive in the wild without all these crazy "helpers"

so if your a first time grower, learn from the experts who have the expertise and respect to write a book then your first grow wont be a disappointment :smoke

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Or the bloke who hangs his plants or buds upside down so that "the resins would 'drain' into the buds"….. (resins don't 'drain', period).


yeah i have heard that, the guy telling me it at the time said he was the one who did it and it worked a charm :D i called bullshit, told him the facts and he said well it was better so it must be true ;)


Or their friend who sprays their buds with (pick one)… water, assorted fruit juices, semen, dissolved contraceptive pills, piss from an ovulating girlfriend or anything else in an attempt to give them crystals or make them grow faster, grow bigger and look, taste or smell better.

Driving nails into the lower parts of the plant is another gem


heard alot of those, especially the nail one...apparently its meant to provide iron to the plant which increases your yield and potency :lol: ;) some people :D


My personal favorite is the amazingly common story that someone is actually growing their plants upside-down… buckets in the air, lights on the ground……


i have never heard of that one before at all, if i had, i so woulda called bullshit :shy:

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Actually, there's a little bit of truth in beating in your plants, a Tennis racket might be a bit of overkill though. But it's just an over-the-top version of training (and obviously more stressful).


I had a mate stupid enough to try the nail through the stem (yeah, iron :peace: ) he ended up with a nice patch of hermies. lol :thumbdown

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great post buddy  :smoke


like that fat bastard stoner way back when told me to inject liquid lsd into the main stem....... when the plants are 2 weeks from harvest  :scratchin


says the plant takes up the lsd and makes for a trippy high  ::):


i was told the same about speed because it makes us act fast, it would do the same for the plant and produce huge buds in comparison to a non speed plant ::peace:: the guy who told me said he had done it in the past, i told him to do it again and although he was hesitant, he did and the next morning his plant was dead as a door nail :lol:

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hmm, one that i have been told a while back now, was that on the main stem, where each set of branches pops out (sorry i dont know the correct terminology), there are two little hairs/thingy's pointing out. Now if they are crossed, the plant must be female, because females always cross their legs. :peace:


If the hair/thingy's were pointing straight out, or up even, without crossing over each other, then they must be fellas, cos fellas sit with their legs apart.


:) :lol:


edit: pot + keyboard = bad spelling

Edited by nugget23
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