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Pot heads can't stop puking

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I always have a showers after a few bowls I find it really relaxing, had no idea it straightens u up agen that true.


Yeh this is shit, Out of all the chronic smokers I wonder how many throw up to the point that they are forced to sit in the shower.


Anyone here smoke 20 - 40 cones everyday?




i can smoke that many cones no probs :D also, i have seen a few people smoke themselves almost into a coma and the worst that has happened is that they have needed a splash of water on their face to straighten up a bit and then they pass out, no biggy ;)


dont understand why you dont straighten up while showering after a few bowls, kinda defies every one of those experiences me and everyone of my friends have had :D


i dont beleive this to be an unreasonable hypothesis and im sure these scientist would know a lot more about how the body works that most of uss do.


while its possible that marijuana can have adverse effects on the body, spewing for a few days straight that leaves you craving hot showers sounds more like refer madness than science to me :shy:

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Another thing.. how, where and with what possible pollutants was the mj grown?

Might have had a high amount of something toxic to humans in the soil? Just a thought..



I remember years ago when I was in QLD visiting mates I had some of my own stuff that I hadn't dried properly. That crop I put some of it in airtight glass jars when it was about 70% dry to 'finish' it off. Needless to say to I left the buds to long in the jar and didn't open them frequently enough to 'air' them. The buds went a bit mouldy and had this ammonia smell to it.


Obviously we smoked everything else before even contemplating smoking this 'prawnie' brew (that's what I named it cause it had this prawn flavour when smoked-yuk !). So in desperation we decided to try it out and the effects were that it made your body temp drop to the point that you had to wrap yourself in a doona and you laughed like you were tripping :shy: .


I'm not joking- it was over 30 degrees in QLD and both of us were laughing uncontrollably and literally fighting over bed sheets ! Even though we knew the badly dried stuff was unknown in terms of safety we smoked more of it later as the affects were hilarious !


I'm sure these guys were smoking 'normal' brew but that's the closest experience that I can relate to regarding this topic :thumbsup

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So in desperation we decided to try it out and the effects were that it made your body temp drop to the point that you had to wrap yourself in a doona and you laughed like you were tripping


i find it funny that some buds can cool your body down while others will have you break out in the worst sweat of all time just after you finish blowing the cone out :shy:


seriously, spewing and wanting to shower is a dismal side effect of marijuana...if you wanna see something seriously fucked up, give some moldy buds to a person who is allergic to penacilin :D pure once told me that he knew this chick in that smoked moldy buds and was allergic to penacilin and she ended up having a sever allergic reaction to it :thumbdown

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I've never heard of anything like that happening. I greened out last saturday, but I think it was just a combination of too much weed for me in too short a period of time, since that was the most pot I've ever had. It came really unexpectently though, since I've never seen anyone throw up from pot alone, and I've never thrown up from [/i]anything , not even pot and alcohol. All i had to do to get better though was lie down for a little bit, and I was good after an hour or so, even though I felt like I was going to die in the time before it went away. In any case, I think the fact that I didn't have anything to eat beforehand did have something to do with it.
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:freak: I wouldn't write it of either,

I had a mrs who used to get those symptoms every 12 - 18 months for a week to 10 days, often ending up in hostipal. After every test under the sun, cameras stuck hear and there, naturapaths etc. none could find anything wrong. One thing i noticed was that when she was crook she couldnt handle the smell of pot at all. I started to think it was her body telling her to give the pot a rest for a while. Last time she was sick she stopped smoking and has not been sick for over 5 yrs now.


It is also medical fact that cannabis can cause allergic reactions in some people although it is very rare and is usually associated with use over a period of time and a gradual increase in sensetivity to it by some heavy users, but as the study said it is very rare.

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Interesting read .. I liked this bit ..

Behind the vomit

... heheh .. nice segway :freak:


But anyway .. Like Mulla said .. Did they take into account the tobacco spin? , or the alcohol use? .. or the junk food munchies consumed? .. or a bazillion different other factors?

maybe .. but probably not.


Although .. It is possible to throw up from MJ just because of an Overdose (if a Green out could be considered overdose) ..

Take Ultra potent Cannacookies and such , there are many people who have had too much and ended up sick as a dog ..

That is why caution is often urged for people takin cookies and the like , specially if they are a noob (heheheh noob) .. 10-20 cones doesn't sound noob tho.


But anyway .. like the article said .. It was maybe just a rare allergic reaction .. or , I think Its possible that maybe the constant smoking and unhealthy lyfstyle often associated with that were causing other health problems .. virus's or infections , weakening of the immune system etc..

Or maybe It was the city tapwater??? ewwww :peace: :)


Anyway , It is certainly just another lame attempt at trying to demonize Marijuana users .. SO ofc It's a waste of time lol


Budman :peace:

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