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Germination a Sucess, now what?

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I live in the US so bare with me and my american ways of measurement.


So far its been about 3 days and 2 of my 6 seedlings have broke open and showed that they are wanting to be planted. One of the 2 tips are about 1/2 inch long, can i put this one in a pot now?


The other one is about 2mm and im thinking about leaving it where the other seeds are still germinating for another day or so.


This is my first attempt at growing and beleive it or not my mom wants to help me with it :thumbsup . How big of a pot am i going to need? I have a nice Pot about 10 gallons big :( (im pretty sure that will do the trick). If anyone could point me towards some of the growing products i should purchase at my local wal-mart nursery centre, i would greatley appreciate it!





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once the seed cracks, it should be planted asap, the one with a 1/2 inch root coming out will probably die if it is not transplanted really soon :thumbdown


im not familuar with american products, hopefully a few outdoor growers from america can help you out on that one, but look around wallmart's nursery and check out the ferts and their NPK ranges and get something that is high in N for the plants during vege and one that is high in P for flowering :devilred:


that pot should be big enough for a single plant grown outdoors too, get some more and get those other seedlings cranking :smoke

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that seed had to be discarded because i saw no progress in 24 hours. Good news is that 2 more seeds sprouted that day. One of them broke out of the seed and was just chillin there so i rushed Her(i hope) into some soil and threw her under the light. The other had just popped the seed and i put her into another pot.


24 Hours later the sprout that broke out of its seed is doing well in progress as it is real green and about an inch high already. The other has not showed itself from the dirt yet, i hope this one comes through soon. I am really anxious and i hope im not waiting for nothing.


I also have a few more seeds that are still in the germination process. 3 of the 6 have sprouted so far and its been about 5 days since i started the germ process on all six.


To tell u the truth i havent checked on them in about 12-16 hours. Will post up further details and maybe a pic of the lil green one in a few.









Just checked up on everything and i cant tell if there is progress or not :thumbdown . The sprout that is about an in high, isnt. I guess i was over excited and rounded up? ;) Its about 2 cm high.

Right now its just in a Styrofoam cup with a 20 oz fruit punch plastic bottle cut in half over it(the side with the cap), for high humidity. I also sprinkled about 10-15 temp released fertilizer pebbles that are high in Nitrogent, 17 percent actually.


And the others in the germ progress dont seem to be going anywhere. Should i grab another bundle of seeds and start another germ?


Right now i have a crappy set up as i only want to get things started before i spend money on this project.


And help hints are well appreciated.


Thx Guys(and Girls)

Edited by Puffpuffpass
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As 'Walmart' is probably similar to 'Kmart' you should buy these items from Walmart as I suspect they would be much cheaper than going to your local hydro store-


*The pots. Maybe buy 'self watering' pot plants that work by capillary action as that way you don't have to have a large reservoir, pump, drainage lines etc as additional components to your system.


*If you require a ordinary pump and air stone (like in a aquarium set up) then get that at WM as well.


*WM probably would sell fertilser and nutrients but I would probably go to a specialist hydro store for quality nutrients as this is essentially the 'lifeblood' of your plants. Stuff they sell in WM is probably aimed at the 'general' gardener who can afford to buy hundreds of seeds of legal stuff and literally just throw it in the ground and hope for the best.


* Thermometer for temp and hygrometer for humidity.


* Any irrigation lines or components.


* You can buy soil at WM but once again the price would reflect the quality and the market it is aimed at. If you can, avoid being cheap on the nutrients and the growing medium as cutting back on these two items will reduce the quantity and quality of your crop.


Basically check out as many stores online or in person but don't buy anything that can be bought at hydro stores if you can get it at WM :smoke

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